
Construction activities scheduled for the week of June 11th 2017

Site activates during the week of June 11 to June 17 will generally be a continuation of establishing site controls such as Sediment and Erosion Controls and Traffic Controls with minor site demolition in isolated areas.

  • Mobilization
    • The Contractor and the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) are both mobilizing to the site.
    • The Contractor has set-up its Field Office (trailers) in the norther portion of Lot 13 and is awaiting the connection of permanent electric power currently estimated at 2-weeks.
    • MCDOT is establishing its Construction Field Office in the administration area of Wheaton Regional Service Center on Reedie Drive. MCDOT will occupy this location until later this summer when the demolition of the Regional Service Center takes place.
  • Sediment and Erosion Controls
    • The Contractor continues to install Sediment and Erosion Controls including placement of the Super Silt Fence around the perimeter of the site and establishing a Sediment Control Device near the center of the site for use during the Geothermal drilling operation.
  • Traffic Controls
    • On Monday, June 12, the Contractor will continue establishing Traffic Controls in accordance with the approved plan including placement of Triton Barriers (water filled) along Reedie Drive and placement of Precast Concrete Barriers along the west side of Triangle Lane south of the pedestrian thoroughfare.
    • The sidewalk along the North side of Reedie Drive west of Triangle Lane will be closed to Pedestrian Traffic on Monday June 11. Pedestrian traffic will be routed (by signs) the sidewalk along the south side of Reedie Drive.
    • Fence will be erected the top of both the water filled barriers and Precast Concrete Barriers.
  • Site Demolition
    • Asphalt demolition will commence within Parking Lot 13 and other miscellaneous pieces of excavation will take place regarding isolated areas of temporary work.
  • Project Signage
    • MCDOT will continue examine opportunities to improve project signage including signage to promote business in the Wheaton Triangle particularly immediately adjacent to the project site.