Services & Resources


County Code, Zoning Ordinance and COMCOR

You may view the Montgomery County Charter, Montgomery County Code, Zoning Ordinance and COMCOR at the American Legal Publishing website.

If you are interested to purchase copy of the County Code, Zoning Ordinance, and COMCOR, please contact American Legal Publishing at 1-800-445-5588 for all order or click on the Order Form here.

Applicability of County Laws to Municipalities

You may also view the table that indicates which chapters of the County Code apply to the various municipalities within Montgomery County.

County Attorney Opinions

The Montgomery County Charter designates the County Attorney as the chief legal officer of the County. The Office of the County Attorney conducts all the legal business of the County, serves as legal advisor to the Council, the County Executive, all departments, and other instrumentalities of the County Government. The County Attorney and the staff represent only the County and engage in no other law practice. Section 213 Montg. Co. Charter. In accordance with this provision, the County Attorney may issue opinions responding to inquiries from agencies and officers of the County, but cannot respond to requests for advice regarding private matters.

Appellate Briefs

We frequently file Appellate briefs in the state and federal appellate courts. Briefs filed in cases of general interest will be posted on this site -- all Court of Appeals briefs, amicus curiae briefs, and other significant issues. A short description of additional briefs that the office has filed also will appear here. To view a brief that does not have a link, just e-mail our Appeals Unit.


Disparity Study Final Report (June 11, 2014)

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