Montgomery County Detention Center
Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee
Update on MCDC Reuse Project

Advisory Date
Administrative Conference Room, MDCD
Warden William L. Smith ~ (240) 777-9962
MCDC Warden Office


Warden William Smith, Deputy Warden James L. Jones, Cynthia Distance-Thompson, Carl Furr, Bill Posada, Capt. Guy Ruffner, Lt. Sharon Roth, Bobbi Thompson.


On January 24, 2006 the Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee meeting was held at the Montgomery County Detention Center in the Administrative Conference room at 7:30 a.m. There was no attendance from the outside community.

Next Meeting: April 25, 200, 7:30a.m.
Montgomery County Detention Center
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854
Contact : Warden William L. Smith at (240) 777-9962
Directions |  Map |  Bus Schedule |
Light breakfast served