MacArthur Boulevard Bikeway Improvement - Segment 3

This project provides shared-use path improvements along 4.7 miles of MacArthur Boulevard from I-495 to the District of Columbia. To increase capacity and enhance safety for users, the existing shared-use path along the south side of MacArthur Boulevard will be widened, wherever feasible, to an eight-foot paved width with a five-foot-wide grass buffer provided between the path and the roadway.  In addition, to encourage alternate modes of travel and to accommodate the needs of on-road commuters and experienced bicyclists, the roadway itself will be widened, wherever feasible, to a consistent 26-foot pavement width, essentially adding a three-foot wide shoulder to each side of the existing 20-foot pavement width.  The project will also provide minor highway improvements along MacArthur Boulevard to enhance overall safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike.

July 2024 Update

The MacArthur Boulevard Bikeway – Segment 3 has reached the 95% design milestone. The detailed engineering plans can now be found on the project website under the Project Documents tab. Feel free to download the file and review the latest design.

For any questions regarding the current design, potential impacts, and project schedule, please contact the project manager, Angel Cheng at [email protected] .

Project Schedule

  • 70% Design Milestone: Q3 2022
  • Public Hearing: Q1 2023
  • 95% Design Milestone: Q2 2024
  • Final Design Complete: Q4 2024
  • Property Acquisition Process Begins: Q4 2024
  • Utility Relocation Begins: Q3 2025 (Estimated)
  • Construction Begins: Q4 2025 (Estimated)


Angel Cheng, PE, PMP
Division of Transportation Engineering
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-777-7274
E-mail: [email protected]

Area Map