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Office of the County Executive


Montgomery County Register - Executive Orders 2004

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Order No. Department Subject Effective Date
303-04 Technology Services Office of Cable and Communication Services Order requiring comcast to keep account of any payments made pursuant to the form 1235 rate filing 9/1/04
302-04 Technology Services Office of Cable and Communication Services Order tolling the deadline for montgomery county, MD to review the form 1235 rate filing submitted by comcast of potomac, LCC 4/1/04
301-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Acceptance of option contract with Raymond Epote and Madeleine Epote - fairland road improvements cip project no. 500402 12/30/04
300-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 12/28/04
299-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Acceptance of option contract with la foundation de l'ecole francaise international de washington north bethesda trail project - cip 509922 12/23/04
298-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Acceptance of option contract with joseph T. Payne and Dorothy E. Payne, norbeck road extended project cip project no. 509321 12/22/04
297-04 Office of Management and Budget Cip cost criterion for special capital improvements projects FY06 12/28/04
296-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Acceptance of option contract with Philip S. Kang and Juliana - fairland road improvements cip project no. 500402 12/29/04
295-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/21/04
294-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 10/20/04
292-04 Department of Permitting Services Street Acceptance 12/17/04
291-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 12/14/04
290-04 Department of Public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 11/28/04
289-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/14/04
288-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 12/13/04
287-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 12/13/04
286-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/10/04
285-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 12/10/04
284-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with James H. Williams and Jean F Williams fairland road improvements project cip project no. 500402 12/3/04
283-04 Department of public works and transportation Abandonment of a portion of ronald drive potomac, maryland 12/10/04
282-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 11/28/04
281-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 11/28/04
280-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 11/28/04
279-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/6/04
278-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/7/04
277-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 11/28/04
276-04 Department of public works and transportation Bayswater road sidewalk (cip #506747) 12/6/04
275-04 Department of public works and transportation Fernshire road sidewalk (cip #506747) 12/6/04
274-04 Department of public works and transportation Hamden Lane sidewalk (cip #506747) 12/6/04
273-04 Department of public works and transportation Silent valley lane - Dufief drive sidewalk (cip #506747) 12/6/04
272-04 Department of public works and transportation US 29/Colesville road sidewalk (cip #506747) 12/6/04
271-04 Department of public works and transportation MD 190/river road sidewalk (cip #506747) 12/6/04
270-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 12/7/04
269-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 12/7/04
268-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 11/28/04
267-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 11/28/04
266-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 11/28/04
265-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 11/28/04
264-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 11/28/04
263-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 11/28/04
262-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 10/26/04
261-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 10/21/04
260-04 Department of public works and transportation Park Lane improvement 11/23/04
259-04 Department of permitting services Adoption of the 2003 building codes and 2002 electrical codes 11/23/04
258-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with James H. Wiliams and Jean F. Williams fairland road improvement project cip project no. 500402 11/22/04
257-04 Department of public works and transportation Condemnation Authorization - roselea crivella et al. south silver spring linkages cip no. 760400 11/22/04
256-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Employee Solicitation Waiver 11/22/04
255-04 Department of permitting services Street acceptance 11/17/04
254-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 11/10/04
253-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 11/10/04
252-04 Department of public works and transportation Abandonment of a portion of 20-feet alley, block B, Wheaton forest subdivision wheaton, Maryland 11/10/04
251-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 11/8/04
250-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 11/8/04
249-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 11/8/04
248-04 Department of public works and transportation Cip project no. 509274 - robey road the vineyards condominum - two (2) option contracts 11/9/04
247-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with ernest williams Jr. and Maria Williams fairland road improvements project cip project no. 500402 11/9/04
246-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Harpal Singh and Rene Juneja Fairland road improvements  - cip 500402 11/5/04
245-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Daniel P. O'Donnell and Jeanette D. O'Donnell fairland road improvement 11/5/04
244-04 Department of public works and transportation Abandonment of a option of cameron street air rights Silver Spring, Maryland 11/2/04
243-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order -  Bethesda 11/3/04
242-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 11/1/04
241-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 10/26/04
240-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with freeman outlaw fairland road improvements project cip no. 500402 11/2/04
239-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Nathan C. Mayfield and veronica D. Mayfield fairland road improvements - cip 500402 11/2/04
238-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Mauricio Rivera and maria Rivera fairland road improvements - cip 500402 10/29/04
237-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Sarah C. Adams fairland road improvements  project cip project no. 500402 10/29/04
236-04 Department of permitting services Street acceptance 11/29/04
235-04 Department of public works and transportation Abandonment of a portion of piedmont road clarksburg, Maryland 10/29/04
234-04 Department of public works and transportation Naming of the grosvenor-strathmore Pedestrian bridge for carlton R. Sickles 10/29/04
233-04 Department of public works and transportation Condemnation Authoization - R.A.P leasing corporation germantow east fire station cip no. 450101 10/28/04
232-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Wieslaw Mlalachowski and Barbara B. Mlalachowski persimmon tree road sidewalk project, cip no. 506747 10/26/04
231-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with James T. Lancaster fairland road improvement project cip project no. 500402 10/26/04
230-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Helen L. Nutter fairland road improvements project cip project no. 500402 10/26/04
229-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 10/21/04
228-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 10/21/04
227-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 10/21/04
226-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 10/21/04
225-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 10/21/04
224-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 10/21/04
223-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Leonardo S. Rowe and June C. Rowe fairland road improvement - cip 500402 10/15/04
222-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Lloyd M. Mallory Jr and Pamela Mallory, fairland road improvements project cip project no. 500402 10/15/04
221-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Christine E. Williams fairland road improvements project cip project no. 500402 10/15/04
220-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 10/4/04
219-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 10/4/04
218-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 10/4/04
217-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/30/04
216-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/28/04
215-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 9/30/04
214-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Anne R. grosvenor north bethesda trail - cip project no. 509922 10/11/04
213-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with  Stephen L. Keibler, et al, norbeck road extended project cip no. 509321 10/11/04
212-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Dora Hill and Valencia miles - Fairland road improvements cip projects no. 50402 10/7/04
211-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 9/28/04
210-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/28/04
209-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont & SIlver Spring 9/28/04
208-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/28/04
207-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/28/04
206-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/28/04
205-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 9/16/04
204-04 Department of housing and community affairs Public hearing for facade easement purchase 9/24/04
203-04 Department of Liquor Control Amendment to FY04 working capital requirement 9/21/04
202-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 9/20/04
201-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germntown 9/3/04
200-04 Department of public works and transportation Greencastle Road (CIP #500100) 9/14/04
199-04 Department of public works and transportation Burtonsville access road (CIP #500500) 9/14/04
198-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with maplewood park homeowners assoc. c/o Richard Madaleno, president north bethesda trail project - CIP 509922 9/14/04
197-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Curtis L. Benesh and Carol L. Benesh, liberty mill road sidewalk project cip no. 509036 9/10/04
196-04 Department of public works and transportation Persimmon tree road sidewalk (CIP #506747) 9/10/04
195-04 Department of public works and transportation Stedwick road (CIP #509036) 9/10/04
194-04 Department of public works and transportation Liberty mill road (CIP #509036) 9/10/04
193-04 Department of public works and transportation Walden road (CIP #509036) 9/10/04
192-04 Department of public works and transportation Hampden Lane (CIP #506747) 9/10/04
191-04 Department of public works and transportation Falls chapel way sidewalk (CIP #506747) 9/10/04
190-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 9/22/04
189-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 9/7/04
188-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 9/6/04
187-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/6/04
186-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 9/5/04
185-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 9/5/04
184-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/29/04
183-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 9/1/04
182-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/22/04
181-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/27/04
180-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 8/25/04
179-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 8/24/04
178-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/20/04
177-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/20/04
176-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 8/13/04
175-04 Department of public works and transportation Abandonment of a portion moorland lane Bethesda, Maryland 8/26/04
174-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 8/23/04
173-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 8/23/04
172-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Amanda enterprises liberty mill road sidewalk project - CIP No. 509036 8/13/04
171-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with Theresa A. Zuzworsky liberty mill road sidewalk project - CIP No. 509036 8/13/04
170-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of option contract with David R. Humes and Catherine B. Humes, liberty mill road sidewalk project cip no. 509036 8/13/04
169-04 Department of public works and transportation Park lane (CIP #500508) 8/12/04
168-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 8/12/04
167-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 8/12/04
166-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/12/04
165-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - SIlver Spring 8/12/04
164-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 8/12/04
163-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 8/12/04
162-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/12/04
161-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 8/11/04
160-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 8/11/04
159-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 8/11/05
158-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 8/10/04
157-04 Department of public works and transportation Carriage road/cable drive (CIP #506747 & 509325) 8/11/04
156-04 Montgomery county department of police Employee/volunteer solicitation Waiver 8/9/04
155-04 Department of public works and transportation Abandonment of a portion of a 20-foot path northwest branch estate white oak maryland 8/3/04
154-04 Department of public works and transportation Warren street (CIP #506747) 7/31/04
153-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 7/28/04
152-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 7/27/04
151-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 7/27/04
150-04 Department of public works and transportation Notley road (CIP #506747 & 509036) 7/27/04
149-04 Department of public works and transportation Ray drive (CIP #509036) 7/27/04
148-04 Department of public works and transportation MD 547/startmore avenue (CIP #506747) 7/27/04
147-04 Department of public works and transporation Silver Spring green trail (CIP #509995) 7/27/04
146-04 Department of public works and transportation Lone oak drive (CIP #506747) 7/27/04
145-04 Department of public works and transportation Parcel N303, Tax map grid GQ52 montrose parkway west - CIP Project No. 500311 7/26/04
144-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 7/20/04
143-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 7/5/04
142-04 Division of fire and rescue services Employee Solicitation Waiver 7/14/04
141-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of Option Contract with Jane A. Dassen Liberty Mill Road Sidewalk Project - CIP No. 509036 7/9/04
140-04 Office of the county Attorney Non-local Park Acquisition 7/9/04
139-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 7/8/04
138-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 7/5/04
137-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 7/5/04
136-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 7/6/04
135-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 7/5/04
134-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 7/5/04
133-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 7/5/04
132-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 7/5/04
131-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 7/1/04
130-04 Department of public works and transportation Muncaster road improvements (CIP #509943) 7/8/04
129-04 Department of Liquor control Amendment to FY05 Working Capital Requirement 7/14/04
128-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 6/22/04
127-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 6/15/04
126-04 Office of the County Attorney Non-local Park Acquisition 6/25/04
125-04 Department of Liquor Control FY05 Appropriation and Transfer 6/22/04
124-04 Department of public works and transportation 10101 and 10103 Patrick Avenue, Rockville, Maryland N. Potomac Recreation Center - CIP Project No. 500152 6/16/04
123-04 Department of public works and transportation 13840 Travilah Road, Rockville, Maryland N. Potomac Recreation Center - CIP Project  No. 500152 6/16/04
122-04 Department of public works and transportation 10105 patrick avenue, Rockville, Maryland N. Potomac Recreation Center - CIP Project No. 500152 6/16/04
121-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 6/10/04
120-04 Department of permitting services Street Acceptance 6/15/04
119-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 5/24/04
118-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 6/1/04
117-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 5/24/04
116-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of Agreement with Milton Brown Muncaster Road Improvement - CIP Project No. 509943 6/8/04
115-04 Department of public works and transportation Burtonsville Access Road 6/3/04
114-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 5/27/04
113-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 5/27/04
112-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 5/24/04
111-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 5/24/04
110-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 5/24/04
109-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 5/24/04
108-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 5/24/04
107-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 5/24/04
106-04 Department of Housing and community Affairs Interim Price Adjustment for MPDU Sales Prices 5/27/04
105-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 5/20/04
104-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 5/18/04
103-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 5/18/04
102-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 5/19/04
101-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 5/17/04
100-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 5/12/04
99-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 5/12/04
98-04 Department of public works and transportation Warren Street 5/14/04
97-04 Department of public works and transportation Lone Oak Drive 5/14/04
96-04 Department of public works and transporation MD 547 (Strathmore Avenue) 5/14/04
95-04 Department of public works and transportation Carriage Road/Cable Drive Sidewalk Project 5/14/04
94-04 Department of public works and transportation Ray Drive/630 Gist Avenue 5/14/04
93-04 Department of public works and transportation Notley Road Sidewalk 5/14/04
92-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 5/12/04
91-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 5/5/04
90-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 5/2/04
89-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 5/3/04
88-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 4/22/04
87-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 4/22/04
86-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 4/15/04
85-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 3/29/04
84-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 3/29/04
83-04 Department of MCDHHS Crime Victim Compensation 4/21/04
82-04 Department of county attorney Non-local Park Acquisition 4/21/04
81-04 Department of county attorney Non-local Park Acquisition 4/21/04
80-04 Department of public works and transportation Redland Road From Crabbs Branch Way to Needwood Road CIP Project No. 500010 4/21/04
79-04 Department of public works and transportation Stringtown Road Extended - Authorization for Construction CIP Project No. 500403 4/21/04
78-04 Department of public works and transportation Fairland Road Improvement - Authorization for Construction CIP Project No. 500402 4/21/04
77-04 Department of public works and transportation Nebel Street Extended - Authorization for Construction CIP Project No. 500401 4/21/04
76-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of Option Contract with Erik S. Kass Park Lane Project - CIP Project No. 500508 3/21/04
75-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 4/14/04
74-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 4/14/04
73-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptanc of Agreement with Wina Wachrithit Muncaster Road Improvement - CIP Project No. 509943 3/30/04
72-04 Department of public works and transportation Acceptance of Option Contract with Mark Wallis and Michele D. Wallis - Muncaster Road Improvement CIP Project No. 509943 3/30/04
71-04 Department of public works and transporation Disposition of Four Properties Olney Acres, Glenmont, Emory Grove 4/2/04
70-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 3/24/04
69-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 3/24/04
68-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 3/20/04
67-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 3/20/04
66-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 3/20/04
65-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spriing 3/21/04
64-04 Mid county regional service center Employee Solicitation Waiver 3/22/04
63-04 Department of public works and transporation Greencastle Road 3/19/04
62-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 3/16/04
61-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 3/16/04
60-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order -  Bethesda 3/14/04
59-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 3/14/04
58-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 3/14/04
57-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 3/11/04
56-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 3/9/04
55-04 Department of permmiting services Street Acceptance 3/9/04
54-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 3/11/04
53-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 2/22/04
52-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 2/26/04
51-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 2/26/04
50-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 2/23/04
49-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 2/23/04
48-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 2/23/04
47-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 2/22/04
46-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 2/22/04
45-04 Department of public works and transporation Traffic Order - Wheaton 2/22/04
43-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 2/20/04
42-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 2/20/04
41-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 2/19/04
40-0405 mo Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 2/17/04
39-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Gaithersburg 2/17/04
38-04 Department of public works and transportation Travilah Road Public Hearing CIP Project No. 500101 2/20/04
37-04 Department of public works and transportation Public Hearing for Facade Easement Purchase at 1201 East West Highway, Silver Spring 2/20/04
36-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 2/17/04
35-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 2/15/04
34-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 2/12/04
33-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 2/12/04
32-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 2/12/04
31-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 2/12/04
30-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 2/12/04
29-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 2/11/04
28-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 2/10/04
27-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 2/10/04
26-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 1/30/04
25-04 Department of public works and transportation Silver Spring Green Trail 2/12/04
24-04 Department of public works and transportation Montrose Parkway West Extended 1/30/04
23-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 1/28/04
22-04 Department of public works and transportation 905 Montrose Road, Rockville, Maryland, Montrose Parkway West CIP Project No. 500311 1/26/04
21-04 Montgomery county fire and rescue service Fire Lane 1/15/04
20-04 Office of the County Attorney Non-local Park Acquisition 1/09/04
19-04 Office of the County attorney Non-local Park Acquisition 1/09/04
18-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Parcel P252, Tax Map Grid FR12 Tax Acct No. 397540 Travilah Road improvement - CIP Project No. 500101 1/07/04
17-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 1/28/04
16-04 Department of Public Works and Transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 1/28/04
15-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 1/4/04
14-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/26/03
13-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 12/31/03
12-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 1/6/04
11-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont 1/7/04
10-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 1/6/04
9-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Germantown 1/4/04
8-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Rockville 1/4/04
7-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/30/03
6-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 12/31/03
5-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/31/03
4-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/30/03
3-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 12/29/03
2-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Silver Spring 12/26/03
1-04 Department of public works and transportation Traffic Order - Bethesda 12/29/03