Montgomery County Council New Laws

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INFORMATION: Copies are available from the Council Office in the Council Office Building , 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville 240-777-7900.

IMPACT TAXES - AMENDMENTS, Expedited Bill 10-07 updates and modifies certain provisions of the development impact taxes for transportation and school improvements, including the provisions for a School Facilities Payment; revises the rates arid use of funds from the School Facilities Payment and generally amends the County impact tax laws.  Effective Date:  December 1, 2007.

RECORDATION TAX - RATE - Expedited Bill 11-07 revises the rate of the recordation tax; specifies the use of certain revenue from the recordation tax and generally amends the law governing recordation tax.  Effective Date:  March 1, 2008.


Bill 18-07 requires the owner of a mobile home park to give the County, the Housing Opportunities Commission, and a tenant organization an opportunity to buy the mobile home park before it is sold to another person and generally amends the law relating to tenant displacement and the sale of rental housing.  Effective Date:  August 8, 2007.

BOND AUTHORIZATION - Expedited Bill 20-07 authorizes the County to issue certain bonds.  Effective Date:  September 27, 2007.

NON-DISCRIMINATION - GENDER IDENTITY - Bill 23-07 prohibits discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, cable television service, and taxicab service on the basis of gender identity, and generally amends County laws regarding discrimination.

Effective Date:  February 20, 2008.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE COORDINATING COMMISSION - AMENDMENTS - Bill 25-07 alters the membership of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission; and generally amends County law regarding the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission.  Effective Date:  February 7, 2008.

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