Montgomery County Register

February 1, 2016, Montgomery County Register Notice

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A new job class, Human Capital Oracle Analyst, Grade 27, has been created. The Director of the Office of Human Resources has determined under Section 33-102 (4) (G)(vii) and (P) of the Montgomery County Code that the job class must be excluded from the Office, Professional, and Technical ( OPT ) bargaining unit.

Any individual or agent of the representative certified under County law to represent the OPT  bargaining unit who disagrees with this determination may file an objection with Jerome T. Barrett, the Montgomery County Labor Relations Administrator, at 200 N. Maple Avenue, Falls Church VA 22046.  Objections must be filed within 10 days of publication of this Register .


Shawn Stokes, Director                                                                                Date:  01/14/16
Office of Human Resources

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