Welcome to Montgomery County's CountyStat Recovery and Reinvestment Website

During his first month in office, President Barack Obama signed the  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law — making good on his promise to get America back to work; provide tax cuts for working families; and invest in America's infrastructure, green economy and public education system.

President Obama and  Governor O'Malley have made accountability a priority, and that is an important goal to me as well.

This CountyStat website provides information to help Montgomery County residents track how our nation's stimulus funds are being used to improve our economy and achieve " customer results" for our Priority Objectives of: a responsive and accountable county government; affordable housing in an inclusive community; an effective and efficient transportation network; children prepared to live and learn; healthy and sustainable communities; safe streets and secure neighborhoods; a strong and vibrant economy and vital living for all our residents.

Thank you,

ike leggett

Isiah Leggett, County Executive