About Us

THE EASTERN MONTGOMERY REGIONAL SERVICES  is one of five Regional Services Centers (Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Eastern Montgomery County, Mid-County, Silver Spring, and Upcounty) strategically located in various regions of the County to bring County government closer to its residents.

The Center functions as a link to the County Executive's Office. It offers problem-solving assistance to neighborhoods, individuals, businesses, and County agencies. It also coordinates direct service delivery, focusing on the particular needs of each region; and works with a regional Citizens Advisory Board appointed by the County Executive and approved by the County Council.

Elected County Officials

The Upcounty Regional Services region is served by the following:

Jewru Bandeh

Jewru Bandeh
East County Regional Services 

Boards and Committees

The East County RS is home to the East County Citizens Advisory Board (ECCAB), The 18-member Citizens Advisory Board serves as a liaison between the East County community, and the County Executive, County Council, and County government departments by identifying community concerns and recommending possible solutions. 

To organize efforts, the Board has formed three standing committees that meet monthly except July and August.

Planning and Economic Development Committee Handles issues related to transportation, workforce/business/economic development, housing, commercial revitalization, environment, taxation, capital improvements, budget, property and zoning and monitors implementation of master/sector plans in Eastern Montgomery County.

Quality of Life/Services Committee Handles issues related to education, parks, seniors, health and human services, public safety, recreation, youth, networking and housing. Plans special events, forums and other outreach efforts to the larger community.

Ad Hoc Committee(s)  are formed by the board as needed to address other specific areas of interest or concern.

Get Answers to Your Questions

If you have any questions concerning the East County Regional Services Center, please visit Contact Us web page.