Senior Nutrition Program

How to Apply

Participation registration sheet will be completed at the lunch site. Contact the nutrition site manager at the desired site.

Documents To Bring


Eligibility Requirements

  • Age 60 and over
  • Spouse of an adult age 60 and over
  • Disabled

Fees and Payments

Meals are available for a voluntary contribution toward the cost of the meals for those over 60. Individuals under 60 must pay the full price of the meal.


1. Where are lunch sites located in the County?

 Call 240-777-3810 to find out where the nearest lunch site is for you.

2. My mother is 86, lives alone and is becoming more frail. We want her to stay in her home as long as possible. She is no longer able to cook a full meal and get to the supermarket as often as she need to. What do you suggest?

Your mother may be an excellent candidate for home delivered meals. Call 240-777-3810 to be referred to the appropriate Meals on Wheels Program.

3. What is the Senior Nutrition Program weather policy?

When Montgomery County Public Schools are closed or open late, meals are NOT served.

4. Is there transportation to the senior center provided?

Some county centers have transportation. Please inquire at the senior program.

Additional Information

View the Meals on Wheels Organizations (PDF).

