Adult Public Guardianship Review Board


Meeting Agendas


The Board meets the third Tuesday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. at 401 Hungerford Drive, Conference Room 1A, Rockville, MD 20850.  During the pandemic, meetings are held virtually.  The public cannot participate and no audio will be provided.

Open Meetings Act

The State’s Adult Public Guardianship Review Boards meet the definition of a “public body” because they were created by State statute, and they are multi-member boards appointed by the Chief Executive’s authority; a political subdivision of Montgomery County.  The County Executive appoints members to the review board.  However, the review board meetings may be conducted in closed sessions when those meetings involve any discussion of specific guardianship cases or other confidential matters.

The records and information upon which the board relies includes information about the provision of social services to people under guardianship.  Such records and information are confidential and prohibited from disclosure under Maryland Code Ann., Human Services, Subsection 1-201, which protects social services records.


Public Guardianship Program
401 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone:  240-777-3991
Secretary to the Board/DHHS Liaison:  Fiona M. Graham, LCSW-C, NCG
Email:   [email protected]