Long Term Care Ombudsman Program - Report Abuse
Reporting Abuse, Neglect or Financial Exploitation
Reporting for Vulnerable Adults Living in the Community or in Assisted Living Homes / Facilities:
To report the abuse, neglect, self-neglect or the financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult call 240-777-3000 (24 Hour Service).
A vulnerable adult is an individual age 18 and over who lacks the physical and/or mental capacity to provide for their daily needs and is at-risk in the community.
You will speak with an intake screener about your concern that a vulnerable adult is being mistreated. Your report is confidential and can be made anonymously. Any person who in good faith makes a report is immune from any civil liability.
Health practitioners, police officers, and human services workers are required to notify Adult Protective Services if they have reason to believe that a vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse, neglect, self-neglect or financial exploitation.
For other helpful information, please visit the Montgomery County Senior Site by clicking here: Montgomery County Senior Site-Safety
Reporting for Nursing Home Residents:
To report abuse of a nursing home resident call the Police Department at 301-279-8000 (24-Hour Service), the Maryland Department of Health /Office of Health Care Quality at 1-877-402-8219 or the Long-Term Care Ombudsman at 240-777-3369 (Monday-Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)
To report the financial exploitation of a nursing home resident call Adult Protective Services at 240-777-3000 (24-Hour Service).
Reporting for Adults with a Developmental Disability Residing in a Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Funded Program:
To report psychological/physical, sexual abuse, seclusion and/or unauthorized/inappropriate use of restraints, violation of civil rights or inhumane treatment, call the Office of Health Care Quality 410-402-8100.
Abuse: The sustaining of any physical injury by a vulnerable adult as a result of cruel or inhumane treatment or a result of a malicious act.
Neglect: The willful deprivation of adequate food, clothing, essential medical treatment, shelter or supervision of a vulnerable adult.
Self-Neglect: The inability of a vulnerable adult to provide services that are necessary for their physical and mental health; the absence of which impairs or threatens their well being.
Exploitation: Any action which involves the misuse of a vulnerable adult’s funds, property or person.