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Diane Lininger, Program Manager
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The Commission on Juvenile Justice meets virtually on Microsoft TEAMS on the third Tuesday of every month (unless otherwise noted). You can join by clicking the link below, or clicking the link on the calendar. Attend the public meeting on your computer, on your mobile device, or by dialing in on your phone.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Mission Statement

The thirty-four member Commission on Juvenile Justice is tasked with:

  • Evaluating State and County-funded programs and services that serve juveniles and families involved in the juvenile justice system, to address capacity, utilization, and effectiveness
  • Informing and advising the Juvenile Court, County Council members, the County Executive, and State legislators on the needs and requirements of juveniles and the juvenile justice system
  • Studying and submitting recommendations, procedures, programs, or legislation concerning prevention of, and programs addressing, juvenile delinquency and child abuse or neglect
  • Making periodic visits to juvenile facilities serving Montgomery County juveniles
  • Promoting understanding and knowledge in the community regarding juvenile needs and the effectiveness of programs


  • The Commission on Juvenile Justice (CJJ) envisions an effective partnership between the State and Counties in which the State is responsive, with funding and other resources, to locally identified, data driven service needs.
  • The CJJ will work with the State and County, in collaboration to create and bolster a framework for optimal service provision to youth, their families and their support structures.
  • The CJJ recognizes that Counties may be in a better position to identify and propose solutions to direct needs, align and coordinate already existing county-provided services to youths, and build on pre-existing in-county relationships.
  • The CJJ will strengthen mutual accoutability on the State and County level. The CJJ will strive to enable the State to enact standards of practice and care that will ensure equity across Counties.