Quality Enhancement

Working with the program

High-quality early childhood programming keeps children safe, healthy, and boosts children’s learning and social skills. Montgomery County is committed to helping all licensed centers, letter of compliance programs and registered family child care programs be successful by providing free supports to improve the quality of child care. Our consultants have in-depth knowledge and will guide you every step of the way on your journey towards quality enhancement.

What We Offer

EC Icon
Expert Coaches

GS Icon
Group Sessions

PM Icon
Peer Mentors

MS Icon
Multilingual Support

Our Team

  • Quality Enhancement Coordinators work with programs to develop and implement an action plan that successfully reaches their individual goals.
  • Our business coach works with owners and administrators on the needs of operating a child care business.

What Can You Expect

Schedule a consultation today!
email icon [email protected]
call icon 240-777-GROW (4769)

The Montgomery County Child Care Support Services is a member of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding provided from the Maryland State Department of Education, through the Maryland Family Network. Additional Maryland State Department of Education funding supports the Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Project. For concerns about a Child Care Program, visit: earlychildhood.marylandpublicschools.org 

Maryland Child Care Resource Network

Maryland Family Network

Maryland State Department of Education Logo

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