Montgomery County Continuum of Care
The Montgomery County Continuum of Care (CoC) is a collaboration of public and private groups working to prevent and end homelessness in Montgomery County, Maryland. Support for CoC efforts include federal, state, local and private funds including more than $7.5 million dollars in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funding awarded through the Continuum of Care Funding Competition.
HUD 2014 Continuum of Care Competition
The FY2014 HUD Continuum of Care Competition has begun! On September 16, 2014, HUD announced the availability of $1.83 million to support Continuums of Care nationally through the CoC Competition. Funding in the amount of $40 million is being set aside for a Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus to create new permanent supportive housing projects for chronically homeless persons and families. Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for coordinating the application process on behalf of the CoC.
Detailed information about the national competition including application resources can be found on the HUD Exchange at:
Information about the Montgomery County CoC Competition can be found below:
2014 Montgomery County CoC Competition Information:
CoC Project Ranking and Selection Process
CoC 2014 Funding Recommendations
Check back frequently for updated information.
Click here to access information about previous CoC competitions:
2013 Montgomery County CoC Competition Information:
CoC 2013 Competition Overview
CoC Project Ranking and Selection
CoC 2013 Project Ranking
CoC 2013 Collaborative Application