Community Action Board Awards

The County’s Community Action Board is seeking nominations for several awards which recognize individuals and organizations that have made a difference in reducing poverty, or for advocating on behalf of Montgomery County’s low-income residents. Awards will be presented at the Board’s annual Community Action Month Celebration and Volunteer Event on Tuesday, May 28. Nominations must be received by Friday, March 22. 

The Henry L. Dixon Community Action Award for Organizational Achievement recognizes involvement in activities that, through a group volunteer effort, helps low-income individuals in Montgomery County move toward or achieve self-sufficiency. The award, which includes categories for youth and adults, may also recognize advocacy by an organization to reduce poverty among Montgomery County residents.

The Marcia Plater Community Action Award for Individual Achievement recognizes involvement in activities that, through an individual volunteer effort, help low-income individuals in Montgomery County move toward or achieve self-sufficiency. This award, with categories for youth and adults, also may recognize advocacy by an individual to reduce poverty among Montgomery County residents.

For more information, call Sharon Strauss at 240-777-1697.