Reports Released 2001-Present

Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) reports released since 2001 are listed below by report number/date. Columns can be sorted individually using the arrows in the column. Use the Search box to find reports by title, report number, keywords, author, and year.

Report # Report Name Report Date Report Author/s Committee/s Key Words
2025-04 Best Practices Business Incubators 2025/02/11 Latham ECON Business Incubator, Economic Development
2025-03 Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions, January 2025 Update 2025/01/21 Trombka N/A Economic Indicators, Minimum Wage, Economy, Employment, Wages
2025-02 Implementation of the Housing Justice Act

CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2025-02
2025/01/14 Peña PHP Housing Justice Act, Office of Human Rights, criminal records, returning citizens, homelessness, Ban the Box, anti-discrimination, fair housing 
2025-01 Extracurricular Activities Offered Across Montgomery County Public Schools 2025/01/14 Simmons   MCPS, Extracurricular Activities, Out of School Time
2024-17 A Geographic Analysis of Select County Programs

CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-17
2024/11/19 Kalyandurg, Trombka   geographic distribution, economic development programs, tax credits, Minority Health Initiatives, County funding, County services
2024-16 Montgomery County’s Public Election Fund 2024/10/22 DeFazio, Rubin GO Public Election Fund, public campaign financing, finance, consumer protection, contributions, liaison
2024-15 Should I Stay or Should I Go? Trends in Out-Migration from Montgomery County 2024/10/22 Roblin   Migration, Population, Income, Economy, Demographics
2024-14 School Construction Costs: Update to OLO Report 2017-04 2024/10/01 DeFazio, Monzon-Reynolds E&C MCPS, CIP, elementary, IAC, state construction aid, trends, school building, education
2024-13 Implementation of the 2020 Use of Force and No-Knock Warrant Law 2024/09/17 Trombka PS Police, Use of Force, Search Warrants, No-Knock Warrants
2024-12 A Comparison of Natural Grass and Synthetic Turf Athletic Fields in Montgomery County 2024/07/30 Latham, Simmons   Athletic Fields, Synthetic Turf, Recreation, Environment, Health, MCPS, Parks
2024-11 Racial Equity and Social
Justice Policy Handbook:
Land Use, Housing, and
Economic Development
2024/06/18 Bonner-Tompkins, Peña, Tesfaye PHP/ECON land use, housing, economic development, racial equity
2024-10 Housing Units Authorized for Construction by Permit in Montgomery County

CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-10
2024/06/11 Carrizosa GO housing units, permits, residential construction, housing production
2024-9 Legal Protections for Tenants in Commercial Property Leases 2024/06/11 Rubin GO property, leases, commercial, business, tenant, landlord, legal protections
2024-8 Community Engagement for Racial Equity and Social Justice

CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-8
2024/03/12 Peña, Kalyandurg GO equitable community engagement, racial equity, social justice, government decision-making, racial inequities, racial disparities
2024-6 Public and Private Funding Sources for- K-12 Public Schools 2024/03/12 Trombka EC Public Schools, Education, State Aid, Endowments, MCPS
2024-7 Contractor Report on Composition of Montgomery County Boards, Commissions, and Committees 2024/02/27 Latham GO Boards, Commissions and Committees
2024-5 Planning, Design, and
Supervision in the MCG Capital Improvements Program
2024/02/27 Carrizosa, DeFazio GO capital improvements program, capital budget, planning, design, and supervision
2024-4 Accessory Dwelling Units 2024/02/06 Kalyandurg PHP Accessory Dwelling Unit, ADU, housing, residential, dwelling, development
2024-3 Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions January 2024 Update 2024/01/24 Trombka   Economic Indicators, Minimum Wage, Economy, Employment, Wages
2024-02 Preliminary Findings on the Economic
Impact of Washington D.C.’s Initiative 82
2024/01/16 Rubin, Roblin, Monzon-Reynolds N/A tipped wages, minimum wage, Washington D.C., survey, economic indicators, restaurants
2024-01 Transgender Healthcare in Montgomery County

CAO Response Letter to OLO Report 2024-1
2024/01/16 Latham HHS Healthcare, Medical Care, Mental Health, Transgender, LGBTQIA+
2023-13 Air Quality and Hotspots in Montgomery County  2023/12/12 Simmons PS  
2023-12 From Wayne’s World to YouTube: Communications Funding in an Era of Diminishing Cable Revenues  2023/12/12 Trombka, Rubin GO cable, special revenue fund, franchise, public access television, communications, budget, FiberNet
2023-11 2023 Evaluation of the Bethesda Urban Parternship, Inc. 2023/09/12 Kalyandurg ECON Bethesda Urban Partnership, urban district, urban district corporation, reauthorization, evaluation
2023-10 HOC Age-Restricted Housing for Older Adults 2023/07/25 Carrizosa, Kalyandurg PHP seniors, affordable housing, subsidized housing, aging in place
2023-09 Senior Property Tax Credits 2023/07/25 DeFazio, Roblin GO seniors, property taxes, tax credits
2023-08 Establishing a Business in Montgomery County: A Review of State and County Requirements 2023/07/25 Latham, Simmons ECON taxes, permit, license
2023-07 Nursing Homes in Montgomery County: Regulatory Framework and Issues Impacting the Quality of Care 2023/07/25 Kalyandurg, Simmons HHS older adults, seniors, nursing home residents, nurses, regulations, enforcement, healthcare, safety
2023-06 Addressing Racial Inequity in the School to Prison Pipeline 2023/06/27 Bonner-Tompkins EC, PS School discipline, education policing, juvenile justice, racial equity
2023-05 Rent Regulations and the Montgomery County Rental Housing Market
Appendix A - Bills
Appendix B - Case Studies
Appendix C - DHCA Annual Rental Facility Occupancy Survey
2023/06/13 Bryant, Carrizosa, Rubin PHP Housing, rental, rent, affordability, rent control, rent stabilization, regulations
2023-04 Developing Data Strategies for Future
2023/03/21 Roblin,  Simmons GO data, data driven decision making, data infrastructure, emergency relief, emergency response
2023-03 How the County Communicates to Its Residents 2023/02/28 Latham, DeFazio GO communication, customer service initiative, communication staffing, social media, traditional media
2023-02 Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions
January 2023 Update
2023/01/24 Trombka PH Economic Indicators, Minimum Wage, Economy, Employment, Wages
2023-01 Transferable Development Rights and Building Lot Termination Programs in Montgomery County 2023/01/17 Carrizosa, Trombka PH Agriculture, farming, preservation, development, transferable development rights, TDR, building lot termination, BLT
2022-13 Firearms: Availability, Data, And Legal Authority in Montgomery County, MD 2022/11/01 Bryant, Rubin TBD police, public safety, firearms, guns, gun violence, ghost guns, MCPD, trafficking, PMF
2022-12 Analysis of dataMontgomery Traffic Violations Dataset 2022/10/25 Carrizosa TBD racial equity, traffic enforcement, MCPD, police, disparities, discrimination, race, ethnicity
2022-11 Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Principal Hiring, Selection and Evaluation Policies and Programs 2022/10/04 Latham N/A personnel, principals, human resources
2022-10 K-12 Virtual Education: Promising Practices 2022/09/14 Simmons TBD MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, virtual education, K12, online schools
2022-09 Establishing and Maintaining a Business-Friendly Environment: A Literature Review 2022/07/26 Trombka TBD economic development, workforce, tax incentives,  regulation, business, capital, incubator, accelerator
2022-08 Prosecutorial Decisions in the State's Attorney's Office 2022/07/12 DeFazio, Kalyandurg PS prosecution, performance indicators, racial equity, social justice, 
2022-07 Montgomery County Businesses Composition 2022/06/21 DeFazio, Roblin PHED small businesses, demographics, survey, SDAT
2022-06 Inventory of Services to Victims of Power Based Violence in Montgomery County 2022/05/03 Latham PS, HHS domestic violence, Family Justice Center, DHHS, health and human services, MCPD, police, Volunteer Center, nonprofit, child abuse, trafficking, sexual assault, elder abuse
2022-05 Community Use of Public Facilities 2022/04/26 DeFazio E&C, PHED CUPF, childcare, before school, after school, Montgomery County Public Schools, parks, MCPS, facilities, athletic fields, case studies, procurement
2022-04 Mental Health Services for Employees in Montgomery County First Responder Departments  2022/04/19 Rubin, Kalyandurg HHS, PS public safety, police, fire, sheriff, Park Police, MCPD, MCFRS, M-NCPPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, trauma, chronic stress, stigma, suicide, depression, anxiety, wellness 
2022-03 Gender Equity in Sports Programs in Montgomery County 2022/02/08 Carrizosa E&C athletics, MCPS, Montgomery county public schools, recreation, athletic fields, CUPF, race, racial equity, Title IX, title nine, participation, LGBTQ+, FARMS, student, athlete
2022-02 The Montgomery County Airpark: Regulatory Framework and Community Impacts 2022/01/25 Trombka, Simmons PHED, T&E noise, air plane, aircraft, airplane, airport, flight training, flight schools, Federal Aviation Administration, FAA, MAA, pilots, aviation, neighborhood, federal government, environmental, EPA, MDE, DEP, Airpark Liaison Committee
2022-01 Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions: January 2022 Update 2022/01/18 Trombka   economy, minimum wage, jobs, employment, wages, comparative jurisdictions
2021-12 State School Construction Aid Eligibility and Funding of MCPS Capital Projects 2021/12/14 Trombka, Bryant E&C capital improvement program, CIP, funding formula, Kirwan, IAC, Montgomery County Public Schools, facilities, state aid, education
2021-11 Transportation Barriers to Medical Appointments 2021/11/02 Bryant T&E, HHS access, transportation services improvement fund, disabilities, Transportation Services Improvement Fund, TSIF, vulnerable
2021-10 A Study on Reassigning Traffic Enforcement from the Montgomery County Police Department to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation 2021/07/27 Rubin, DeFazio PS, T&E MCPD, MCDOT, MDT, Vision Zero, traffic stops, racial disparity, discrimination, speed cameras, red light cameras, automated enforcement
2021-09 The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Women 2021/07/27 Latham, Simmons HHS, PS, PHED coronavirus, pandemic, gender disparity, healthcare, daycare, domestic violence, economics
2021-08 Update on Children's Trusts and County-Designated Nonprofit Entities 2021/07/13 Carrizosa HHS, E&C early childhood care, early childhood education, nonprofit, performance metrics, comparative jurisdictions
2021-07 Payroll Protection Program 2021/07/13 Trombka, Roblin GO federal aid, businesses, jobs, COVID-19 relief, pandemic relief, job retention, pandemic, federal government loans, sectors, industry, workforce
2021-06 Availability of County Government Vacancy and Lapse Data 2021/04/06 Trombka GO personnel, position vacancies, Office of Human Resources, OHR, Office of Management and Budget, OMB, ERP, operating budget savings plan
2021-05 Measuring Climate Resilience - A Review of Select Critical Infrastructure Sectors in Montgomery County 2021/04/06 Bryant, Simmons T&E critical infrastructure, climate change, global warming, flooding, weather trends, security, preparedness
2021-04 Public Safety Responses to Mental Health Situations 2021/03/09 Carrizosa PS, HHS crisis, response, first responders, law enforcement, police, fire, sheriff, MCPD, MCFRS, MCSO, Maryland 211, hospitals, DHHS, health and human services, comparative jurisdictions, ECC, emergency communications center
2021-03 Workforce Development Systems and Performance Measures 2021/02/23 Richards PHED system design, best practices, industry, partner, jobs, skills, labor, public, private
2021-02 Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions: January 2021 Update 2021/01/26 Trombka   economy, minimum wage, jobs, employment, wages, comparative jurisdictions
2021-01 Labor Agreements with Montgomery County Police Officers  2021/01/19 Rubin, Trombka GO, PS collective bargaining agreements, CBA, FOP, Fraternal Order of Police, labor relations, unions, management
2020-52 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Cost-Burdened Renter Households 2021/09/21 Carrizosa PHED coronavirus, pandemic, housing insecurity, eviction, housing, area median income, AMI, low-income, moratorium, landlords, tenant, rent, federal funding
2020-51 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Minority-Owned Businesses 2020/09/21 Roblin PHED coronavirus, pandemic, public health, race, ethnicity, workforce, employ, under represented, industry, sectors, Public Health Emergency Grant, PHEG, recession, barriers, structural, institutional
2020-50 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Public Use of Facilities 2020/07/28 DeFazio E&C, PHED coronavirus, pandemic, childcare, CUPF, MCPS, schools, sports, camps, classes, gatherings, meetings, faith-based activities, education
2020-49 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Child Care 2020/07/14 Carrizosa HHS coronavirus, pandemic, child care providers, centers, daycare, public health, schools, family, layoffs, workforce, essential workers
2020-48 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Disparities in Telework by Race And Ethnicity 2020/07/09 Hall HHS coronavirus, pandemic, recovery, public health, vaccine, technology, disproportionality, employment, unemployment, workforce, work from home, sectors, labor force
2020-47 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Commercial Real Estate-Retail Sector 2020/07/09 Bryant PHED coronavirus, pandemic, economic recovery, workforce, small business, low-wage workers, e-commerce, vacancies
2020-46 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Evictions in Rental Housing 2020/06/16 Carrizosa PHED coronavirus, pandemic, recovery, public health, medirental, telemedicine, doctor, physician, patients, CDC, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS, federal funds
2020-45 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Small Businesses 2020/06/12 Roblin PHED coronavirus, pandemic, public health, technology, liquidity, economy, economic activity, sectors, workforce, reopening, recovery
2020-44 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Commercial Real Estate-Hospitality Sector 2020/06/09 Bryant PHED coronavirus, pandemic, economic recovery, hotels, real estate, workforce, hotels, sector, travelers, tourism
2020-43 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Office & Industrial Commercial Real Estate 2020/06/09 Bryant PHED coronavirus, pandemic, economic recovery, sector, industry, development, sector, supply chain, zoning
2020-42 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Public Transit 2020/06/09 Hall T&E coronavirus, pandemic, public health, buses, metro, riders, social distancing, PPE, workforce, Ride On, MCDOT, transportation, ridership, work from home
2020-41 COVID-19 Recovery Outlook: Telework and Economic Development 2020/06/09 Hall PHED coronavirus, pandemic, public health, workers, work from home, remote, workforce, continuity of operations, information technology, sector, industry
2020-40 Spotlight: COVID-19 and Mental Health​ 2020/07/28 Rubin HHS coronavirus, pandemic, public health, stigma, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, stress, distress, suicide, wellness, disproportionality, treatment, resilience
2020-39 Spotlight: COVID-19 Impacts on Primary Care Practices 2020/05/24 Rubin HHS coronavirus, pandemic, public health, health care, Medicare, telemedicine, doctor, physician, CDC, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS, federal funds, family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, patients
2020-38 Spotlight: COVID-19 and Contact Tracing 2020/05/12 Rubin HHS coronavirus, pandemic, public health infrastructure, infection, CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NORC
2020-37 Spotlight: Line of Credit Borrowing 2020/05/07 Trombka GO COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, financing, emergency, cash flow, borrowing, credit
2020-36 COVID-19 Business Relief Programs in Other Jurisdictions 2020/04/07 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, loans, grants, at-risk, business revenue, liquidity
2020-35 October 26, 2020 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/10/26 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-34 September 14 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/09/14 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-33 August 10 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/08/10 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-32 July 30 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/07/30 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-31 July 23 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/07/23 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-30 July 16 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/07/16 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-29 July 9 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/07/09 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-28 July 2 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/07/02 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-27 June 25 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/06/25 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-26 June 18 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/08/18 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-25 June 10 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/06/10 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-24 June 5 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/06/05 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-23 May 28 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/05/28 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-22 May 21 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/05/21 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-21 May 14 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/05/14 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-20 May 8 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/05/08 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-19 April 30 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/04/30 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-18 April 23 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/04/23 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-17 April 16 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/04/16 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-16 COVID-19 Unemployment Projections 2020/04/13 Rubin, Bryant GO labor force, projections, pandemic, coronavirus, unemployment rate
2020-15 April 9 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/04/09 Bryant, Rubin GO COVID-19, pandemic, small business, small business relief programs
2020-14 April 2 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview Update 2020/04/02 Rubin, Bryant GO benefits, CARES Act, department of labor, pandemic, unemployment claims, SBA loans
2020-13 April 1 COVID-19 Unemployment Overview 2020/04/01 Rubin, Bryant GO coronavirus, pandemic, benefits, CARES Act, labor, DLLR, DOL, industries, workforce, claims, unemployment rate, SBA loans
2020-12 Youth Workforce and the Impact of Covid-19 2020/12/08 Bryant E&C, PHED pandemic, coronavirus, summer employment, trends, covid corp program, department of recreation, worksource Montgomery, unemployment
2020-11 Telehealth Equity 2020/12/08 Latham GO healthcare, COVID-19, pandemic, coronavirus, medicine, doctors, patients, telemedicine, CMS, Medicare, Medicaid, insurance, CARES Act, Maryland Health Care Commission, MHCC, disparity, barriers to access,  DHHS, health and human services
2020-10 Ride On Bus Routes and Services 2020/09/29 Bryant, Hall T&E bus service, transit, riders, performance measures, transportation network, service changes, network redesign, infrastructure
2020-09 Local Policing Data and Best Practices 2020/07/21 Bonner-Tompkins, Carrizosa PS racial equity, traffic enforcement, MCPD, police, best practices, disparities, discrimination, race, ethnicity
2020-08 Parent Organizations in Montgomery County Public Schools 2020/07/28 Latham E&C PTA, MCPS, school funding, extracurricular activities, booster clubs, educational foundations, low-income, FARMS, poverty, education
2020-07 Autism-Friendly and Sensory-Friendly: Expanding Community Access 2020/03/24 Rubin HHS autistic, sensory processing, ASD, neurodiverse, neurotypical, developmental disability, modifications, inclusion, businesses
2020-06 Case Studies: Growing the Restaurant & Retail Sector in Montgomery County 2020/03/24 Bryant, DeFazio PHED, GO revitalization, incubators, economic development fund, EDF, microloan, businesses, industry, best practices
2020-05 Contract Monitoring in Montgomery County Government 2020/03/10 Richards, Latham GO procurement, goods and services, vendors, performance, source selection
2020-04 Youth Sports in Montgomery County 2020/03/10 Carrizosa E&C, PHED, HHS athletics, recreation, CUPF, MCPS, Parks, Revenue Authority, Montgomery County Public Schools, public facilities, M-NCPPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission
2020-03 The Changing Nature of Libraries 2020/03/03 Hall E&C mcpl, books, public, library card, digital, fines, internet, early childhood literacy
2020-02 Economic Indicators 2020/01/21 Richards   income, unemployment, employment, labor, poverty, business, sector, occupation, montgomery county, maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., well-being, activity, industry, sector, low-wage
2020-01 Business Regulations in Local Jurisdictions 2020/01/28 Bryant, Latham, Rubin GO, PHED 4business initiative, office, retail, restaurants, business taxes, building codes, health department, food truck, business license
2019-20 Monthly MC311 Reports 2019/12/31 Scruggs   MC311, data
2019-19 MC311 Historical Call Center Reports 2019/12/31 Scruggs   MC311, data
2019-17 Trash and Recycling Collection: An Evaluation of Current Policies 2019/11/12 Trombka, Hall T&E garbage, districts, Subdistrict A, Subdistrict B, environment, contracts, zero waste
2019-16 Findings from 2019 Racial Equity and Social Justice Community Conversations 2019/09/24 Calma, Padilla E&C stakeholders, systemic racism, training, impact assessment, outcomes, Board of Education, BOE, low-income
2019-15 Measuring MC311 System Performance 2019/10/15 Hall GO MC311, data
2019-14 MCPS Performance and Opportunity Gaps 2019/12/03 Bonner-Tompkins E&C Montgomery County Public Schools, equity, FARMS, ESOL, special education, academic achievement, race, ethnicity, low-income, achievement gap
2019-13 Abandoned Property Receivership 2019/09/17 Carrizosa, DeFazio HHS, PHED housing, troubled properties, court, code enforcement, housing and community affairs, DHCA
2019-12 Strathmore and the Arts in Montgomery County 2019/09/10 Rubin E&C Strathmore Hall Foundation, government property, government funding, nonprofit, Arts and Humanities Council, AHC, National Philharmonic, Baltimore Symphony, Levine Music, CityDance, Washington Performing Arts, InterPLAY 
2019-11 Cost of Retiree Health Benefits (OPEB) 2019/07/30 Howard, Trombka GO health insurance, fiscal policies, operating budget, other post-employment benefits, pay-as-you-go, health care, Medicare, health retirement account
2019-10 Employer-Assisted Housing Programs for Public Sector Employees 2019/07/30/3019 Scruggs HHS subsidies, housing costs, loans, grants, affordable housing, local government, benefits
2019-09 Local Small Business Reserve Program 2019/07/30 Bryant GO procurement, LSBRP, contracts, Division of Business Relations and Compliance, Office of Procurement
2019-08 Social Business Partnerships 2019/07/23 Richards PHED collaboration, for-profit, nonprofit, public, private, business model, case studies, social enterprise
2019-07 Racial Equity Profile Montgomery County 2019/07/15 Bonner-Tompkins, Jupiter Independent Research Group   race, ethnicity, gender, demographics, disparity, population, education, business, employment, economic, housing, health, criminal justice, transportation
2019-06 Common Ownership Communities 2019/06/25 Carrizosa, Latham PHED housing, homeowners association, permitting
2019-05 Student Loan Market Demand Study and Cost Analysis 2019/06/25 DeFazio, SL Capital Strategies E&C, PHED refinancing, authority, feasibility, debt, college, higher education
2019-04 Inventory of Rent Subsidy Programs in Montgomery County 2019/05/14 Trombka, Hall HHS, PHED housing, homelessness, HOC, Housing Opportunities Commission, DHHS, health and human services, federal funding, data management
2019-03 Afterschool Bookings at MCPS Elementary Schools 2019/03/19 Bryant, DeFazio E&C school programming, PTA, facilities, student demographics, CUPF, Montgomery County Public Schools, afterschool, FARMS, barriers, Excel Beyond the Bell, education
2019-02 Compliance with Select County Workplace Protection Laws 2019/01/29 Richards GO workers, employee, employer, employment, minimum wage, procurement, human rights, enforcement workforce
2019-01 Economic Indicators for Montgomery County and Surrounding Jurisdictions 2019/01/15 Richards, Hall PHED population, income, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, labor, workforce, unemployment, retail, compensation, wages, benchmarking, poverty, business, economic, workers, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Frederick, Howard, Prince Georges, Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun
2018-15 Historical MC311 Reports 2018/12/31 Scruggs   MC311, data
2018-14 Monthly MC311 Reports 11-26-17 - 12-23-17 2018/12/31 Scruggs   MC311, data
2018-13 The Two-Generation Approach to Poverty in Immigrant Communities 2018/12/11 Carrizosa HHS childcare, children, education, low-income, language, barriers, health care, housing, family, barriers, place-based services, workforce development, linguistic competency
2018-12 2018 Evaluation of the Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc. 2018/12/11 Scruggs PHED BUP, urban district, marketing, transportation, streets, programming, arts and entertainment, contracts
2018-11 Private Development Public Infrastructure 2018/11/27 DeFazio, Rubin PHED construction, permits, permitting, tax revenue, transportation, schools, impact tax, water, sewer, public safety, Montgomery County, Fairfax, Prince George's, Washington DC, affordable housing, real estate, land use, planning, subdivision, zoning
2018-10 Evictions in Montgomery County 2018/10/02 Bryant, Carrizosa, Robinson HHS renters, homelessness, landlord, housing and community affairs, DHCA, tenant, affordable housing, Sheriff, court
2018-09 Montgomery County Council Community Grants 2018/09/25 Latham HHS, GO non-profit, organization, budget, funding, Executive, Office of Management and Budget, OMB, Citizen Advisory Group
2018-08 Racial Equity in Government Decision-Making: Lessons from the Field 2018/09/25 Bonner-Tompkins, Hall   disparities, institutional, systemic, racism, disproportionality, measures, race, ethnicity, people of color, BIPOC, data, education, employment, housing, income
2018-07 Wages, Staffing, & Service Contract Trends, County Executive's Response to OLO Report 2018-7 2018/05/15 Bryant, DeFazio GO contractors, ID badge, vendors, MCPD, police
2018-06 Best Practices for Infant and Toddler Childcare Programs 2018/03/06 Bonner-Tompkins HHS pre-k, childcare, low income, moderate income, curriculum, infant, toddler, EXCELS, affordability, children
2018-05 Social Impact Bonds/Pay for Success: Primer and Case Studies 2018/02/13 Latham GO SIB, PFS, government services, capital, investors, development
2018-04 Reverse Auction Purchasing 2017/12/12 Trombka, Latham GO procurement, contracts, goods and services, contractors
2018-03 The Impact of Infant and Toddler Childcare Programs 2017/11/14 Bonner-Tompkins HHS, ED pre-k, brain development, low-income, childcare
2018-02 Local Perspectives on Out of School Time in Montgomery County 2017/12/05 Berkowitz, Friedland, Carrizosa E&C OOST, children, activities, equity, Montgomery County Public Schools, MCPS, HOC, Collaboration Council, Children's Opportunity Fund, PTA, parents, childcare providers, bilingual, equity, low-income, education
2018-01 Methodology and Process for State Residential Property Tax Assessments 2018/01/23 Latham, Rubin GO SDAT, Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation, revenue, permitting services, DPS, real property, residential property, market value
2017-13 Housing for Adults with Developmental Disabilities 2017/07/25 Richards HHS intellectual, neurological, IDD, living arrangements, residential, families, renters, owners, tenants, inclusion, ADA, Medicare, Medicaid, DDA, HCBS, waiver, DHHS, health and human services
2017-12 Federal Grant Administration in Montgomery County/County Executive's Response to  Report 2017-12 2017/07/25 Bryant GO grants, federal government, grant process, grant review, grant management
2017-11 Prescription Opioids: Prescriber Education and the Maryland Prescription Drug Monitoring Program 2017/06/20 Carrizosa, Latham HHS healthcare, DHHS, health and human services, controlled substances, PDMP, overdose, prescriber, doctor, epidemic, education
2017-10 Strategies to Address Public Schools Capacity Constraints 2017/06/13 Trombka, Scruggs E&C overcrowding, enrollment, MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, facilities, CIP, education
2017-09 Montgomery College Metrics, FY2017 2017/06/13 Bonner-Tompkins, Scruggs E&C higher education, students, enrollment, budget, academic, tuition, classes, courses, faculty, staffing, graduation, GED
2017-08 Student Loan Refinancing Authority 2017/06/27 DeFazio GO, E&C program startup costs, college, higher education, debt
2017-07 Pre-K in Montgomery County and in Other Jurisdictions 2017/02/14 Bonner-Tompkins HHS, E&C pre-kindergarten, early childhood education, childcare, poverty, K-12, students, professional development, teaching, school, preschool, EXCELS
2017-06 OLO Memorandum Report: The Role of Chief Data Officers in Government 2017/01/17 Rubin GO analysis, big data, c-suite, government, dataset, siloes, open data, internet, CDO, COO, CEO, CAO, business, analytics, information technology
2017-05 Life-Cycle Regulation of On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems 2016/12/06 Trombka T&E OWTS, sewers, sewage, septic, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, public health, permitting services, DPS, property owners, water
2017-04 New School Construction Costs 2016/11/15 Bryant E&C MCPS, CIP, elementary, IAC, state construction aid, trends, school building, education
2017-03 Mapping the Montgomery County Procurement Process 2016/11/08 Latham GO contracts, bid, RFP, IFB, solicitation, proposal, using department, contract monitoring
2017-02 Emerging Models in Government Technology Procurement 2016/11/01 Rubin GO software as a service, SaaS, local government, request for procurement, RFP, request for demonstration, RFD, technology services, DTS, TEBS, strategic plan
2017-01 Impact of Montgomery County's Safe Routes to School Program 2016/10/25 Carrizosa, Scruggs E&C, T&E SRTS, pedestrian, safety, infrastructure, bicycles, MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, DOT, transportation, walking, bus stop, transportation, police, MCPD, CountyStat, education
2016-13 MC311 Monthly Call Center Data Summary 2016/12/31     MC311, data
2016-12 Monthly MC311 Reports 12-27-15 - 1-23-16 2016/12/31     MC311, data
2016-11 Out of School Time and Children's Trust 2016/09/20 Bonner-Tompkins, Carrizosa HHS, E&C activities, athletics, MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, after school, clubs, sports, performance, achievement gap, extracurricular, low-income, elementary, high school, k-12, providers, COF, education
2016-10 The Experience and Effect of County-Administered Enterprise Zones 2016/08/02 Trombka PHED economic development, tax incentives, jobs, impact taxes, unemployment, poverty, Silver Spring, Wheaton, Long Branch, Takoma Park, Glenmont, Burtonsville, WSSC, businesses
2016-09 Performance Review of Transportation Management Districts 2016/07/19 Latham, Howard T&E TMD, MCDOT, DOT, parking, commuters, Bethesda, Friendship Heights, Silver Spring, NADMS, transit
2016-08 MC311 Performance and Data 2016/07/12 Bryant, Carrizosa GO MC311, 311, performance management, customer service center, service requests
2016-07 Individual and Business Tax Burdens in Local Jurisdictions 2016/06/21 Latham, Rubin GO budget, property, tax rates, Montgomery County, Fairfax, Frederick, Howard, Prince George's, Washington DC, demographics, taxpayer, businesses, residents
2016-06 The School-to-Prison Pipeline in Montgomery County 2016/03/01 Bonner-Tompkins, Rubin, Latham E&C Montgomery County Public Schools, MCPS, disproportionate, demographics, race, ethnicity, gender, special education, DJS, juvenile services, court, law enforcement, juvenile justice, diversion, SAO, State's Attorney's Office, Collaboration Council
2016-05 MCPS Local Pension Plan and Supplement 2016/02/23 Trombka, Bryant, McGuire E&C, GO MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, board of education, BOE, benefits, compensation, defined benefit plan, teacher
2016-04 State Aid Tool 2015/12/01 Trombka GO data, compare, counties, funding
2016-03 Child Care in Montgomery County 2015/12/08 Carrizosa HHS childcare, early care, early education, infant, toddler, preschool, MSDE, ICC, low-income, subsidies, SCCSP, WPA, FARMS, affordable, DHHS, health and human services
2016-02 Memorandum Report: Two-Generation Approaches to Poverty 2015/11/17 Bryant, Rubin HHS intergenerational, early childhood education, economic, DHHS, health and human services, HOC, housing MCPS, workforce development, parents, children, poor, low-income, unemployment, data siloes
2016-01 Memorandum Report: Comparative Data on High-Level Manager Salaries / CAO Comments on Memorandum Report 2016-1 and OLO Response to these comments 2015/11/03 Howard GO directors, executives, management, pay equity, cost of living, salary schedules, Montgomery County, Baltimore, Washington DC, Virginia, Fairfax, Howard, DMV, comparison jurisdictions
2015-17 Historical MC311 Reports 2015/06/01 Scruggs   MC311, data
2015-16 Monthly MC311 Reports 12-28-14 - 1-10-15 2015/01/13 Scruggs   MC311, data
2015-15 Resources and Staffing among MCPS Schools 2015/09/22 Bonner-Tompkins, Carrizosa E&C equity, FARMS, ESOL, special education, Montgomery County Public Schools
2015-14 OLO Memorandum Report Excel Beyond the Bell 2015/07/28 Richards, Carrizosa E&C out of school time, OOST, after school programs, low-income, FARMS, race, ethnicity, poverty, students, education
2015-13 Behavioral Health in Montgomery County 2015/07/28 Carrizosa, Richards HHS mental health, substance use disorders, healthcare, health insurance, health care providers, DHHS, health and human services
2015-12 MCPS Revitalization/Expansion Program 2015/07/28 Trombka, Bryant E&C school construction, RevEx, modernization, facilities assessment, CIP, capital improvements, education
2015-11 Procurement Performance Metrics 2015/07/28 Latham GO contracts, data, best practices, modernization, efficiency, technology, CountyStat
2015-10 School Systems with Offices of Inspector Generals 2015/04/14 Rubin E&C, GO MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, internal audit, independent, review, waste, fraud, abuse, comparative jurisdictions, education
2015-08 An Evaluation on the Commission on Common Ownership Communities / County Executive Responses to Commission on Common Ownership Communities Report 2015/03/10 Bryant, Latham PHED CCOC, COC, condo, dispute resolution, consumer protection, property owner, DHCA, housing and community affairs
2015-07 Case Studies of Local Business and Community Districts 2015/02/24 Howard, Bryant PHED improvement districts, BID, urban district, MCEDC
2015-06 Review of Alcohol Control in Montgomery County / Follow up: Further Analysis of Option 4 - Private Wholesale Distribution of Special Order Beer and Wine 2015/02/10 Howard, Rubin   spirits, wine, beer, Department of Liquor Control, DLC, Alcohol Beverage Services, ABS, retail, wholesale
2015-05 Parking Lot District Fiscal Management and Budgeting 2015/01/27 Trombka, Latham T&E PLD, businesses, commuters, Bethesda, Montgomery Hills, Silver Spring, Wheaton
2015-04 Ready for Tomorrow Education and Workforce Summit Proceedings 2014/12/09 Bonner-Tompkins   achievement gap, employment gap, education, labor force, teaching, learning, non-profit, nonprofit, private sector, low-income, youth, race, ethnicity, MCPS, M-NCPPC, MCEA, Casa, MCCPTA, chamber of commerce
2015-03 Cultural Competency in Montgomery County Workforce Development Services 2014/12/09 Howard, Rubin PHED economic development, bilingual, jobs, jobseekers, MontgomeryWorks, job training, federal funds, one-stop, race, ethnicity, language
2015-02 Developmental Education at Montgomery College / Montgomery College's Response to OLO Report 2015-12 2014/10/28 Bonner-Tompkins, Latham E&C college-ready, reading, math, English, degrees, academic, remediation, ESOL, enrollment, MCPS, graduation
2015-01 Cultural and Linguistic Diversity of MCPS Students and Staff 2014/09/30 Scruggs, Bonner-Tompkins E&C education, language, English, demographics, enrollment, gaps, students of color, subgroup
2014-12 Monthly MC311 Reports MC311 Date Summary 12/29/13-1/11/14 2014/01/14     MC311, data
2014-11 Procurement and Small, Minority, Female, Disabled and Locally-Owned Businesses 2014/07/29 Latham, Scruggs, Robinson PHED procurement, contracts, small business
2014-10 Review and Approval Times for Preliminary Plans, Site Plans and Record Plats / Appendix 2014/07/29 Howard, Richards PHED development, planning department, planning board, M-NCPPC. Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission
2014-09 Alternative Infrastructure Financing Methods 2014/07/15 Trombka GO capital budget, CIP, case studies, bank, bonds, current revenue, PAYGO, taxing, design-build-finance
2014-08 Appeals of Property Tax Assessments in Montgomery County 2014/06/17 Rubin, Carrizosa GO residential, commercial, SDAT, taxation, Department of Finance, market value
2014-07 Performance of Montgomery County Public Schools' High Schools 2014/04/08 Bonner-Tompkins E&C education, MCPS, consortium, consortia, demographics, performance measures, achievement gap, FARMS, race, ethnicity, outcomes
2014-06 Change Orders in County Government Construction Projects 2014/03/18 Trombka, Scruggs GO procurement, DGS, General Services, CIP, risk assessment, capital improvements
2014-05 An Examination of MC311 Calls by Preferred Language / Monthly MC311 Reports 2014/03/04 Carrizosa, Latham GO diversity, cultural competency, best practices, Spanish, data
2014-04 Montgomery County Data Innovation Committee 2013/12/03 Rubin GO government, big data, analytics, analysis, MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, Planning Department, Council, Executive
2014-03 Youth and Work in Montgomery County / Presentation 201312/10 Bonner-Tompkins, Richards E&C career development, disconnected, employment, employee, data, wages, at-risk, high-risk, MCPS
2014-02 Injuries, Injury-Related Leave, and Overtime in the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service 201311/26 Carrizosa, Latham PS workers' compensation, disability, retirement, light duty, Occupational Medical Services, FROMS, CountyStat
2014-01 Bethesda Urban Partnership - Appendices 2013/10/29 Carrizosa PHED BUP, urban district, operations, marketing, transportation, streets, arts and entertainment, contracts
2013-09 Monthly MC311 Reports 3-10-13 - 3-23-13 2013/03/26     MC311, data
2013-08 Managing the Design and Construction of Public Facilities 2013/07/30 Howard, Latham PHED oversight, project management, review, quality control, reporting, inspections, comparative jurisdictions, best practices, DGS, general services
2013-07 Best Practices in Open Data Initiatives 2013/07/09 Carrizosa, Scruggs GO FOIA, government, transparency, software, businesses, residents, stakeholders, web, information management, dataMontgomery, datasets
2013-06 Municipal Tax Duplication and Revenue Sharing in Montgomery County MD - Appendices A through J - Appendices K through N - Appendices O through S 2013/06/18 Richards, Scruggs GO rebate, differential, services, taxation, municipalities
2013-05 Coordinating Utility and Transportation Work in County Rights-of-Way 2013/06/10 Trombka, Rubin T&E utilities, road construction, repaving, WSSC, Washington Gas, PEPCO, streets, Department of Transportation
2013-04 The Achievement Gap in Montgomery County - An FY13 Update - Presentation 2013/03/12 Bonner-Tompkins, Richards, Scruggs ED, PHED measures, data, school, MCPS, grade level, narrow, widen, race, ethnicity, subgroups, education
2013-03 Employee Work Hours and Leave in Montgomery County Government - Presentation 2013/03/05 Latham, Rubin, Carrizosa GO employees, vacation, leave, administrative, sick
2013-02 Review of Montgomery County's Economic Development Incentive Programs 2013/02/26 Howard, Carrizosa   economic development, businesses
2013-01 Fiscal Planning and the New Maintenance of Effort Law (Companion Document for Council Presentation) - Presentation 2012/10/16 Carrizosa, Richards, Trombka E&C MCPS, MOE, maintenance of effort, budget, education
2012-05 Montgomery County Deferred Retirement Option Plans 2012/06/26 Rubin, Latham, Watson GO Deferred retirement option plan, DROP, retirement, pension, leave, public safety, police, fire, cost of living, succession planning, 
2012-04 Alternative Education in Montgomery County 2012/03/13 Bonner-Tompkins, Richards, Renkema E&C at-risk youth, dropout, prevention, graduation, employment, Thomas Edison High School of Technology
2012-03 Services for Students on the Autism Spectrum 2012/01/17 Bonner-Tompkins, Richards, Latham E&C, HHS ASD, neurodiverse, neurodivergent, disorders, Asperger's syndrome, ADD, pervasive developmental disorder, NCLB, MCPS, DHHS, data, best practices, special education, school
2012-02 A Review of MCPS's Budget Category 12 - Appendix 2011/11/29 Howard, Latham, Trombka E&C MCPS, schools, employee benefits, pension, retirement, education
2012-01 Food in Montgomery County Public Schools 2011/07/19 Renkema, Bonner-Tompkins E&C MCPS, nutrition, students, school lunch, breakfast, FARMS, data, Department of Agriculture, USDA, comparative, health, performance measures, education
2011-04 Montgomery County Council's Community Forums on Structural Budget Challenges and Options to Maintain Long-Term Fiscal Balance with Presentation January and February 2011 2010/11/23     trends, structural budget deficit, costs, expense, workforce, compensation, benefits, retirement, pension, health care, workforce, debt
2011-03 FY12 Budget Project Memos 4/08/11 thru 6/21/11 2011/04/08 Orlansky, Trombka, Rubin   operating budget, retirement, health insurance, pension
2011-02.2 Follow-Up Memos to 2011-2, 12/17/10-3/22/11 2010/12/17 Orlansky   budget, cost savings, compensation, salary, health care, retirement, pension, employee, retiree, workforce, revenue, expense, debt
2011-02.1 Part 2: Achieving a Structurally Balanced Budget in Montgomery County; Options for Long-Term Fiscal Balance; Appendix 2010/12/07 Orlansky GO cost savings, compensation, salary, health care, retirement, pension, employee, retiree, workforce, revenue, expense, debt
2011-02 Part 1: Achieving a Structurally Balanced Budget in Montgomery County; Revenue and Expenditure Trends with Executive Summary and Budget Spreadsheet: Three Scenarios 2010/11/23 Orlansky GO structural budget deficit, costs, expense, workforce, compensation, benefits, retirement, pension, health care, workforce, debt
2011-01 An Overview of Publicly-Funded Family Planning Programs 2010/09/21 Renkema HHS health care, family planning, Medicaid, waiver, women, family, pregnancy, child, funding
2010-11 FY11 Budget Project Memos 2010/04/09 Downie, Miller, Rubin, Orlansky, Howard, Trombka, Renkema   fuel energy tax, budget gaps, case studies, furloughs, reduction-in-force, retirement incentive, deficits, parks, recreation, M-NCPPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, education
2010-10 Fiscal Impact Statements for Legislation 2010/07/13 Trombka, Downie GO legislation, fiscal impact, Council
2010-09 An Inventory and Assessment of Housing-Related Programs: Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services, and Housing Opportunities Commission - Appendices 2010/04/06 Richards, Renkema GO DHCA, DHHS, HOC, rent affordability, housing stabilization, homeownership, housing stock, property
2010-08 History and Current Status of the Collaboration Council for Children, Youth and Families 2010/03/09 Downie, Miller   family, local management board, service delivery, care, DHHS, health and human services, juvenile justice, education, social service
2010-07 Truancy in Montgomery County 2010/03/02 Bonner-Tompkins, Rubin E&C, PS Montgomery County Public Schools, MCPS, absent, students, parents, truants, excused, unexcused, absences, suspensions, drop outs, risk factors, best practices, habitual truancy, attendance, at-risk, education
2010-06 An Overview of Public-Private Partnerships in Road, Parking and Transit Projects - Appendix 2010/01/26 Latham, Trombka T&E P3, transportation, infrastructure, financing, case studies, public interest
2010-05 Comparative Data on Montgomery County and Fairfax County 2010/01/26 Howard, Downie GO comparative jurisdictions, indicators, local government
2010-04 An Evaluation of the Local Small Business Reserve Program - Appendix 2009/12/08 Renkema, Rubin PHED procurement, contracts, vendors, non-competitive, case studies
2010-03 Evaluation of Montgomery County's Speed Camera Program - Appendices 2009/09/29 Romer, Trombka, Downie PS MCPD, police, public safety, pedestrians, transportation infrastructure, Safe Speed Program, drivers, roadway, collisions, crashes
2010-02 Succession Management 2009/09/15 Bonner-Tompkins, Richards, Latham GO OHR, human resources, workforce, MCPS, Montgomery county public schools, retirees, retirement, best practices
2010-01 Data on Transit-Related Crime in Montgomery County 2009/09/15 Howard PS, T&E public safety, transportation, crime, transit, police
2009-11 Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities and Neighborhood Villages - Appendix 2009/06/16 Rubin, Renkema, Downie, Romer PHED aging-in-place, NORC, seniors, retirees
2009-10 Montgomery County Public Schools' Career and Life Readiness Programs - Appendix 2009/06/16 Bonner-Tompkins, Latham E&C MCPS, students, technology, disabilities, education, college, Thomas Edison High School of Technology, CTE, SEPA, ESOL, counseling
2009-09 A Research Brief on Furloughs and Buyouts - Addendums 2009/04/14 Orlansky GO budget, compensation, furlough, buyout, cost savings
2009-08 Department of Economic Development: A Review of Budget and Strategies 2009/02/03 Downie, Orlansky, Richards GO economic development, budget, economic development program
2009-07 Organization of Recreation Programs Across the Department of Parks and Department of Recreation - Appendix 2009/01/13 Howard, Romer E&C m-ncppc, comparison. Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission
2009-06 Transportation Demand Management Implementation, Funding and Governance 2008/12/09 Trombka, Renkema T&E transit, travel, congestion, parking, TDM, TMD, roadway, bikeway, pedestrian
2009-05.1 Appendix A and B for OLO Report 2009-5 2008/12/02 Rubin GO agreement, CBA, union, management, FOP, MCGEO, IAFF, charter amendment, labor relations, employee rights, employer rights
2009-05 Collective Bargaining Laws in Montgomery County: A Legislative History 2008/12/02 Rubin GO agreement, CBA, union, management, FOP, MCGEO, IAFF, charter amendment, labor relations, employee rights, employer rights
2009-04 Cost and Performance of Montgomery County Public Schools' High School Consortia - Comments from MCPS Appendix 2008/11/25 Bonner-Tompkins, Latham E&C MCPS, Northeast, Downcounty, consortium, student choice, budget, race, ethnicity, FARMS, students, education
2009-03 2008 Evaluation of Bethesda Urban Partnership 2008/10/07 Renkema, Downie PHED BUP, urban district corporation, services, budget, revenue, expenditures, transportation management district, parking lots, trash, strategic plan
2009-02 Follow-Uo to OLO Report 2003-4, An Emissions Analysis of the County and Bi-County Fleets - Appendix 2008/09/09 Romer, Howard T&E transportation, vehicles, pollution, DEP, alternative fuel, hybrid, compressed natural gas, EPITF
2009-01 The Department of Health and Human Services' Contract Execution and Monitoring Processes - Appendix 2008/09/23 Richards, Latham GO, HHS procurement, DHHS, children, youth, family services, CYF, using department, vendor, enterprise resource planning, ERP
2008-13 Memorandum Report: Follow-Up Review of the Council's Memorandum Report: OLO Research on Selected Local Government Strategies for Reducing Carbon Emissions 2008/02/19 Howard, Romer, Renkema GO Energy Star, energy audit, climate action plans, global warming, building standards
2008-12 Memorandum Report: Follow-Up Review of the Council's Recommendations Related to OLO's 2001 Evaluation of Landlord and Tenant Complaint Handling (OLO Report 2001-6) 2008/06/18 Latham HHS OLTA, housing, DHCA, PHED, resolution, Commission on Landlord-Tenant Affairs
2008-11 Recycling in Montgomery County Public Schools 2008/06/17 Trombka, Romer E&C, T&E MCPS, environment, waste management, trash, cafeteria, plastic, paper, composting, education
2008-10 Review of the Office of People's Counsel - Appendix 2008/06/24 Howard, Rubin, Renkema PHED land use, zoning, OZAH, Board of Appeals, Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings, public interest, development
2008-09 Hiring Persons with Disabilities: A Review of County Government Practices 2008/06/10 Rubin, Renkema GO Human resources, OHR, employees, disability, discrimination, recruitment, accessibility, accessible, reasonable accommodations, job experience, Schedule A, merit system, career, hiring manager, ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, OMS, Occupational Medical Services, diversity, special hiring authority
2008-08 Understanding Class Size Trends in Montgomery County Public Schools - Errata Sheet 2008/05/06 Bonner-Tompkins, Downie E&C MCPS, students, teachers, FTE, enrollment, education
2008-07 Memorandum Report: Planning for the FY10 Evaluation of the County's Safe Speed Program 2008/05/13 Romer T&E MCPD, speed cameras, automated speed limit enforcement, traffic, monitoring, vendor
2008-06 Department of Health and Human Services: Review of FY07 Behavioral Health and Crisis Services Staffing 2008/01/29 Rubin, Renkema HHS DHHS, contract, contractor, employees, positions, BHCS, licensing
2008-05 Overview of Revenues, Expenditures and Other Financial Data for Municipalities and Special Taxing Districts in Montgomery County 2008/02/05 Richards, Latham GO budget, municipality, municipal tax duplication, service delivery
2008-04 A Study of County Road Project Cost and Schedule of Estimates 2008/02/05 Trombka, Downie T&E construction, transportation, capital improvements program, CIP
2008-03 Review of Montgomery County Public Schools Facilities' Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations 2007/11/13 Howard, Romer, Downie  E&C MCPS, facilities, stormwater management, indoor air quality, IAQ, sediment control, permitting services, DPS, regulatory, asbestos, hazardous materials, education
2008-02 Defining and Describing Montgomery County Public Schools' Progress in Closing the Achievement Gap 2008/01/22 Bonner-Tompkins, Richards, Romer, Renkema, Downie E&C MCPS, disparities, performance, widen, narrow, at-risk youth, grade-level, gifted, disabilities, FARMS, race, ethnicity, ESOL, class size, early childhood education
2008-01 Base Budget Review of the Division of School Plant Operations, Montgomery County Public Schools 2007/09/11 Bonner-Tompkins, Renkema, Downie E&C MCPS, facilities, custodial, SPO, CUPF, bathrooms, service worker, performance measures, education
2007-10 Inventory of Internal Service Functions Performed by Five Montgomery County Departments 2007/07/31 Latham GO IT, information technology, procurement, human resources, fire and rescue, libraries, police, DPWT, DOT, DGS, OHR, DTS, TEBS, DHHS, MCFRS, MCPD, centralized, decentralized
2007-09 A Study of Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program Implementation 2007/07/19 Rubin, Trombka PHED DHCA, low income, MPDU, inclusionary zoning, affordable housing, development
2007-08 A Base Budget Review of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, Phase II - Net Annual Work Hour Analysis of First Responders 2007/06/26 Trombka, Romer PS fire and rescue service, staffing, MCFRS, shift relief factor
2007-07 Linking Montgomery County Public Schools Workforce Data to Council Decision-Making Letter from Dr. Weast Regarding OLO Report 2007-7 2007/04/10 Bonner-Tompkins, Renkema E&C MCPS, education, staff statistical profile, SSP, turnover, retirement, strategic plan, personnel management review, PMR
2007-06 A Base Budget Review of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, Phase I 2007/02/27 Trombka, Romer PS fire and rescue, MCFRS, staffing, response time, local fire and rescue departments, LFRD, personnel, budget, operations
2007-05 Key Fiscal Indicators for Montgomery County Public Schools 2007/02/27 Orlansky, Bonner-Tompkins, Romer, Renkema E&C MCPS, enrollment, demographics, revenue, expenditures, budget, cost drivers, students, FARMS, MCEA, special education, disabilities, strategic plan, call to action
2007-04 Residential Infill Construction: A Review of County Laws, Regulations and Practices - Summary of Comparative Studies 2007/02/13 Howard, Latham GO building, construction, permitting
2007-03 The Presentation of Workforce Information in Budget Documents - Note: This report is not available electronically.  Contact OLO to obtain a copy. 2006/12/12      
2007-02 A Study of Montgomery County Government's Recruitment Practices and Workforce Diversity 2006/10/03 Richards GO hiring, recruitment, race, ethnicity, office of human resources, OHR, EEO, affirmative action
2007-01 Review of Montgomery County Public Schools' "Serious Incident" Reporting.  Appendix (including exhibits) 2006/09/19 Orlansky, Rubin, Romer E&C, PS MCPS, education, students, safety, data collection, suspension, expulsion, security, police, MCPD, Office of the State's Attorney
2006-10 Memorandum Report - Implementation of OLO's 2002 Evaluation of the County's Sign Approval and Enforcement Process 2006/08/01 Latham GO zoning text amendments, permitting services, DPS, Sign Review Board, performance, variances
2006-09 Memorandum Report - Planning the Legally-Required Evaluation of the Local Small Business Reserve Program 2006/08/22 Howard, Rubin PHED LSBRP, procurement, vendors, contracts, awards, goods and services
2006-08 An Evaluation of the Police Department's Victim Assistance Unit: Addendum to Report: Victim Services Survey Results - Executive Summary 2006/08/01 Howard, Romer PS barriers to services, MCPD, DHHS, AAP, VASAP
2006-07 Department of Public Works and Transportation's Handling of Resident Inquiries and Service Requests 2006/09/19 Langevin, Latham, Trombka GO, T&E DPWT, DOT, DGS, public, complaints, highway maintenance, traffic engineering, data management, communications
2006-06 A Base Budget Review of the Office of Human Rights / Executive Summary 2006/04/25 Richards, Langevin GO civil liberties, workload, complaints, personnel, discrimination, Interagency Fair Housing Coordinating Board, Commission on Hate/Violence
2006-05 A Base Budget Review of the Montgomery County Park Police - Executive Summary 2006/04/18 Trombka, Stutz PS M-NCPPC, workforce, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, crime, property, 911, emergency communications center, mutual aid agreement, park ranger, staffing, patrol
2006-04 A Base Budget Review of Montgomery County Public Schools Staff Development / Executive Summary 2006/03/21 Howard, Latham E&C MCPS, outcome measures, teachers, NCLB, no child left behind, education
2006-03 Summary of Report on Clarksburg Town Center Project / Fact-Finding Review of the Clarksburg Town Center Project / Appendix (including exhibits) 2005/11/08   PHED M-NCPPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, development, planning board, permitting, housing and community affairs, DHCA, DPS, chairman, builders, community, land use, chronology
2006-02 Legislative Uses of Performance Measures in Budget Decision-Making 2005/11/15 Trombka, Yoskowitz GO metrics, input, output, efficiency, results, quality, oversight
2006-01 Laws Related to Child Witnesses of Domestic Violence 2005/10/18 Langevin PS emotional, behavioral, cognitive, abuser, child welfare agencies, criminal justice system, child maltreatment
2005-08 Memorandum Report - Implementation of Council Actions on OLO Report 2002-2: (Transportation Services for Seniors and People with Disabilities) 2005/07/26 Brown, Yoskowitz HHS, T&E driving, mobility, Ride On, Metro, bus, Medicaid, DHHS, DPWT, DOT, bilingual
2005-07 Memorandum Report - Implementation of Council Actions on OLO Report 2002-1: (Enforcing the Alcohol Age-of-Sales Laws in Montgomery County) 2005/07/26 Howard, Yoskowitz PS minors, underage buyers, police, MCPD, DLC, ABS, compliance check, Board of License Commissioners, BLC, liquor, beer, wine, 
2005-06 An Assessment of Language Assistance Services Provided by MCPS to the School Community 2005/06/28 Brown, Howard, Yoskowitz E&C Montgomery County Public Schools, limited English proficiency, LEP, ESOL, communication, students, translation, interpretation, outreach, education
2005-05 Memorandum Report - Research on Gang Prevention and Intervention 2005/04/12 Richards, Langevin, Latham PS youth, at-risk, violence, police, MCPD, MCPS, DHHS, recreation, economic development, school, involvement, street outreach, employment, low income, intervention, OJJDP
2005-04 Services to Juvenile Victims and Witnesses of Crime in Montgomery County 2005/04/05 Orlansky, Howard, Latham, Langevin, Yoskowitz PS MCPD, MCPS, state's attorney, sheriff, school, development, disaggregated
2005-03 An Inventory of County Government Programs Designed to Serve Seniors - Appendix 2005/03/01 Brown HHS elderly, retirement, health and human services, program coordination, strategic plan
2005-02 Review of Rental License and Common Ownership Communities Registration Fees 2005/01/25 Howard PHED DHCA, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, revenue surplus, code enforcement
2005-01 A Study of the County Government's Selection and Funding Practices for Health and Human Services and Community Development Grant Awards 2005/02/01 Richards, McGuire, Langevin HHS procurement, non-competitive contracts, DHHS, DHCA, Department of Housing and Community Affairs, discretionary
2004-09 Memorandum Report - An Analysis of Montgomery County Public Schools' Special Education Spending, Part II 2004/09/30 Howard, Brown E&C, GO MCPS, inclusion, general education, enrollment, comparative jurisdictions, students with disabilities, educational setting 
2004-08 Interagency Study of Tree Management Practices 2004/09/28 Richards, Stutz, Yoskowitz T&E canopy, forest conservation, Urban Districts, Interagency Forest Conservation Team, Pope Farm, street trees, environment
2004-07 Limited English Proficient Persons: Access to County Government Services - Appendix 2004/09/14 Orlansky, Brown, Yoskowitz HHS ESOL, LEP, education, Volunteer Language Bank, interpretation, multilingual, comparative jurisdictions
2004-06 Strategies to Increase Commercial Recycling 2004/04/27 Richards, Howard, Stutz T&E solid waste, landfill, environmental, commodity markets, enforcement, participation, Solid Waste Plan
2004-05 Comparative Research on the Government Structure on Fire and Rescue Services in Four Neighboring Counties - Appendix 2004/03/16 Orlansky, Brown, Yoskowitz PS comparative jurisdictions, public safety, organization, governance, volunteer services, chain of command
2004-04 An Analysis of Montgomery County Public Schools' Special Education Spending: Part I 2004/02/03 Richards, Howard, Stutz E&C MCPS, DHHS, health and human services, enrollment, demographics, over-represented, under-represented, non-public placement, students with disabilities, developmental
2004-03 A Study of the Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Fire and Rescue Service Vehicles 2004/01/27 Orlansky, Brown, Yoskowitz PS MCFRS, fleet, local fire and rescue departments, LFRD, vehicle replacement, Division of Fire and Rescue Services, DFRS, out-of-service, apparatus
2004-02 An Inventory and Analysis of Montgomery County Governments' Strategic and Long Range Facility Plans 2004/01/13 Richards, Stutz GO land use, capital improvements, infrastructure, site selection, master plans, Planning Board, M-NCPPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission
2004-01 An Evaluation of the Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc. 2003/11/25 Kimball, Yoskowitz PHED BUP, urban district corporation, services, budget, revenue, expenditures, transportation management district, parking lots, trash, strategic plan
2003-11 OLO Memorandum Report: Projected Year-End Deficit in FY03 Budget for Student Transportation 2003/04/24 Orlansky, Howard E&C, GO Category 9, MCPS, Montgomery County Public Schools, school buses, NCLB, No Child Left Behind, IDEA, Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act, McKinney-Vento, special education, enrollment, fuel efficiency
2003-10 Intensive Budget Review #3: A Blueprint for Inter-Agency Coordination of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Prevention Programs 2003/07/18 Brown, Stutz, Richards HHS, PS ATOD, substance abuse, treatment, DHHS, health and human services, Prevention Coordinator, AODAAC, Alcohol and Other Drug Advisory Council
2003-09 Intensive Budget Review #1: The Montgomery County Department of Park and Planning's Waste Management Practices 2003/04/03 Michaelson, Trombka, Brown, Geddam PHED, T&E M-NCCPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, trash, garbage, recycling, solid waste
2003-08 Intensive Budget Review #2: Montgomery County Public Schools' Approach to Seeking Grant Funds 2003/03/25 Richards, Geddam T&E MCPS, Board of Education, discretionary, competitive, monitor
2003-07 An Inter-Agency Study of Pre-Employment Background Check Practices 2003/09/16 Orlansky, Howard GO hiring process, employer, employee, education, references, screening
2003-06 Services for People in Montgomery County who have  Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders 2003/07/29 Kimball, Freund HHS DHHS, health and human services, Assertive Community Treatment Team, Avery Road, Substance Abuse Services for Women, SASW, comparative jurisdictions, criminal justice system
2003-05 The Structure, Cost and Use of Agency Mental Health Benefits 2003/07/01 Howard, Geddam HHS, GO treatment, employee assistance program, EAP, behavioral health, absenteeism, productivity, substance abuse, Mental Health Parity Act, MHPA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, HIPAA, health insurance
2003-04 An Emissions Analysis of the County and Bi-County Agency Fleets 2003/06/24 Richards, Stutz, Brown T&E ozone, air quality, Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, Department of Environmental Protection, DEP, vehicles, fuel efficiency, diesel, alternative energy, Clean Air Act, regional
2003-03 Overview of Services for People who are Homeless 2003/03/25 Kimball, Geddam HHS DHHS, health and human services, DHCA, housing and community affairs, HOC, Housing Opportunities Commission, at risk, housing, evictions, Maryland Rental Allowance Program, Mckinney-Vento
2003-02 Services to Victims and Witnesses of Crime in Montgomery County 2003/03/18 Orlansky HHS compensation, crisis intervention, counseling, court services, domestic violence, hate crimes, victim services, automated victim notification system, VINE
2003-01 An Analysis of the Facility Planning Process for Road Construction 2003/01/21 Kimball, Brown T&E infrastructure, DPWT, DOT, transportation, streets, CIP, capital budget
2002-04 Intensive Budget Review Project - Managing Park Maintenance Costs: A Comparative Study 2002/03/25 Kimball, Brown GO M-NCPPC, Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission, data tracking, comparative jurisdictions, information technology, resource allocation
2002-03 Participant's Perceptions of the Special Exception Hearing Process in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties 2002/04/16 Richards GO Hearing Examiner, Board of Appeals, zoning, master plans, neighborhoods, fact-finding
2002-02 Memorandum Report: Enforcing the Alcohol Age-of-Sale Law in Montgomery County 2002/02/12 Orlansky, Baker-Hernandez, Stutz PS underage drinking, Board of License Commissioners, BLC, police, MCPD, County Attorney, State's Attorney, violations, suspension, liquor, wine, beer
2002-01 Intensive Budget Review Project - Personal Computer Asset Management Practices 2002/02/02 Richards, Trombka GO technology, personal computer, DCM, desktop computer modernization, replacement
2001-05 Issues Related to Establishing a Sobering Center 2001/07/17 Orlansky, Kimball, Baker-Hernandez HHS public intoxication, alcoholism, jail, detoxification, police, MCPD, emergency room, DHHS, health and human services, MCFRS, fire and rescue
2001-04 Memorandum Report - An Overview of the Hiring Process in Montgomery County 2001/04/30 Richards GO position description, classification, Personnel Regulations, OMB, management and budget, OHR, human resources, recruitment, interview, employment
2001-03 Reducing Alcohol-Impaired Driving and Underage Drinking in Montgomery County 2001/04/03 Orlansky, Richards, Baker-Hernandez, Kimball PS, HHS drunk driving, MCPD, police, DWI, DUI, driving while intoxicated, beer, wine, liquor, sobriety checkpoint, criminal justice system
2001-02 Mental Health Services in Criminal Justice System: A Description of Montgomery County Services and Promising Practices from Other Jurisdictions 2001/03/16 Kimball, McDowell PS, HHS comparative jurisdictions, criminal justice system, substance abuse, corrections, DOCR, DHHS, health and human services, police, MCPD
2001-01 A Survey of Strategies for Reducing Alcohol-Impaired Driving and Underage Drinking 2001/02/13 Orlansky, Richards, Baker-Hernandez PS drunk driving, DWI, DUI, zero tolerance, traffic crashes, fatalities, BAC, blood alcohol content, binge drinking, intoxication, jail, speeding, best practices, roadway safety