Connect Montgomery is Montgomery County’s Public, Education, and Government cable stations

Your source for valuable video information throughout the County. 

988 Is Here to Help

If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, such as suicide, anxiety, panic attack, thoughts of self harm, etc., dial or text 988 now.

For a local resource, contact the Montgomery County Crisis Center hotline at 301-738-2255.
Both 988 and the hotline are always answered.

Si usted o alguien que conoce está atravesando una crisis de salud mental, como suicidio, ansiedad, ataque de pánico, pensamientos de autolesión, etc., llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 ahora.

Para obtener un recurso local, comuníquese con la línea directa del Centro de Crisis del Condado de Montgomery al 301-738-2255.
Tanto el 988 como la línea directa siempre reciben respuesta.


As a resident of Montgomery County you can rely on Connect Montgomery channels to keep you up-to-date on topics and activities of importance for our community.
Information and links to channels can be found below.