Resource Information for BIPOC Farmers Located in the DMV Area

Montgomery Countryside Alliance Land Link Program

Land Link Montgomery aims to match beginner and experienced farmers with available land and farms within Montgomery County, Maryland, and the Greater D.C. Region. Launched in late 2011, we are proud to work toward a vibrant, working landscape in our region.

Common Good City Farm

The Common Good City Farm is an organization based in Ledroit Park, providing both healthy locally-grown food and valuable information and support for local farmers. Through volunteering and resources for connecting, learning, and more, Common Good aims to support local and diverse farmers in the DC area. (202) 559-7513

The MoCo Food Council

The Food Council is the connecting point for government, businesses, and residents around food access, supply, and security. Provides Promotion opportunities for locally-grown food and resources for farmers and consumers.

Community Gardens

Montgomery County Parks hosts opportunities all over the county to grow food in small plots. This is a great way to hone farming skills before seeking larger acreage.


Works to create economic stability through land access and ownership, professional development, and racial healing. They combat poverty by providing land and professional resources to qualifying individuals to generate income and generational wealth.

Homestead Hustle & Healing

Homestead Hustle & Healing is an online platform with local community initiatives, whose mission is to end food insecurity among minority populations.

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