Board of Appeals - 2005 Opinions

Opinion Date Petitioner/s Case No.
04/12/05 Flower Valley Bath and Racquet Club CBA-2212-A
06/05/05 Dr. Wilhemina G. Carmina CBA-2198-A
03/03/05 St. Andrews Episcopal School CBA-1389-F
09/27/05 Millenium Health Services CBA-969-A
06/08/05 Little Falls Swim Club S-289-B
12/01/05 S. Saquib Ali & Susan C. Ali S-2650
11/09/05 Miguel L. Cordova S-2645
11/28/05 Sheila M. Harron & William P. Loewe S-2643
11/28/05 Rock Creek Kay-Cee Club, Inc. &  Rock Creek Council S-2641  (CBA-143-A)
11/30/05 Abye Wondimu S-2640
08/31/05 Korean Communications Senior Housing S-2639
08/08/05 Fall Creek S-2636
08/04/05 New Covenant Village , LLC S-2635
11/16/05 Tissa B. Mayarata S-2632
10/12/05 Germantown Walter Johnson Property S-2631
06/01/05 Maria and Caitano Fernandes S-2630
10/07/05 Himalayan Elderly Care II, Inc. S-2628
05/17/05 Eden Crane S-2627
05/13/05 Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children S-2626
03/03/05 Omar and Sonia Herran S-2624
04/14/0 Lai Thi Jacobs S-2623
01/20/05 Chesapeake Psychological Services of Maryland , LLC S-2621
03/03/05 John I. Clyde S-2619
04/13/05 Yong Chen and Wei Ping Peng S-2618
09/10/04 John Ye S-2607
11/24/04 Francis & Maria Romero S-2605
10/19/05 Mary Rhim/The Winchester School S-2604
01/25/05 Petition of Petsmart, Inc. S-2610
04/28/05 John Giwi Bah S-2595
09/10/04 Onkar Sharma & Rajesh Bhandari S-2588
08/17/04 Quarles Petroleum S-2587
04/13/05 Edmond and Bonnie J. French, LLC S-2573
04/25/05 Twin Ponds Farm, LLC S-2527
10/25/04 Sprint PCS/APC Realty & Equipment Company, LLC and Dal S. & Myeong S. Hong S-2455
04/27/05 Meridian Healthcare S-1200A
05/20/05 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology S-862-B
09/09/04 Kenwood Golf and Country Club S-689-C
12/15/05 Mark Leas A-6107
12/15/05 Mao Eam A-6103
11/10/05 David & Kimberly Bugden A-6102
12/02/05 David T. Isaacs & Penny L.Bisk A-6101
10/28/05 Peter Mannon A-6096
10/21/05 Kenneth C. Mackel A-6094
11/10/05 Franklin & Michelle Ennis A-6092
10/14/05 John W. & Carole S. Maslin A-6091
10/06/05 Miguel A. Paniagua A-6090
09/09/05 Thomas E. Giles A-6085
09/09/05 William & Joan McGlockton A-6084
09/09/05 Lisa Vogel & Arthur Hondros A-6082
08/10/05 David Frevert A-6081
08/10/05 Michael Wohl A-6080
08/10/05 Paul & Ida J. Dekousis A-6079
08/10/05 Frayda & Denny Penini A-6078
08/02/05 Phillipe Canel-Parent A-6075
07/08/05 Ashk Adamiyatt A-6073
08/21/05 David Efron & Chanpen Puckah A-6072
08/02/05 Elizabeth Duskin A-6071
08/08/05 Chesapeake Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc A-6070
08/02/05 John C. Cassell A-6069
06/23/05 Stevan Liberman A-6068
07/15/05 Robert & Judith Van Namen A-6067
06/10/05 Randy A. & Michelle Levenson A-6066
06/16/05 Francis G. &  Lisa N. Thompson A-6065
06/17/05 John McPherson A-6064
05/20/05 Eduardo Noguera A-6063
07/08/05 Stephen J. McGarry A-6062
05/02/05 Diane August & Michael Fainber A-6061
05/17/05 Robert W. Ludwig A-6059
05/17/05 Nadim Ahmed A-6058
04/15/05 Michelle L. Klug A-6057
04/07/05 Lawrence K & Jennifer L. Bou A-6056
03/31/05 Barry Wertheimer A-6052
04/01/05 M.I. Homes of D.C., LLC A-6051
04/15/05 Andrew Schwartzberg A-6050
03/17/05 Linda Ulrich & Brad Lang A-6048
08/08/05 Martha Marmo-Fernandes A-6047
04/15/05 Patrick Ferry A-6046
03/24/05 Gertrude A. Burr A-6045
03/09/05 Aviva Mordehai A-6044
02/10/05 Jody Schraden A-6041
02/12/05 Peter & Sheila Blake A-6040
02/07/05 Christine Poimmier  A-6039
03/24/05 Gerald Griffin, et. al A-6038
01/28/05 Charles & Eleanor Rice A-6035
01/27/05 Dr. Robert Teunis A-6033
01/28/05 Gary A. Clawson A-6031
01/28/05 Ellen J. Durkee A-6030
01/21/05 Charles Hewlett A-6028
12/22/04 Martin Segal A-6027
04/22/05 John  N. Verdi A-6026
01/21/05 Dianne Schwager & Daniel Davidson A-6024
11/16/04 Rachel B. Kaplan & John R. Bailey A-6023
11/12/04 Cory & Dale Bemis A-6022
11/05/04 Ada & Livio Dimichele A-6021
02/10/05 Kendall E. Jackson A-6019
10/25/04 Michael & Scott Banks A-6017
10/22/04 Colleen Wei A-6016
11/03/04 Charlotte Jensen A-6015
10/22/04 Fitwi Tekeste A-6013
10/25/04 Ann R. & Charles M. Marmelstein A-6012
10/01/04 Gordon E. Crumpp A-6010
10/01/04 Stinson Woodhaven, LLC A-6009
01/07/05 Lou Seigrist A-6007
09/30/04 Frederik Skoglund A-6005
08/16/04 Anne Cavanagh A-6004
02/01/05 Appeal of Donald McGee, McGee Enterprises & Greentree Associates, LLC A-5982, A-5993, A-5984,5994
03/29/05 Appeal of Judith & Thomas Burruss; Alan Gaunoux A-6020, A-6029
04/22/05 GBI Corporation A-5976
12/08/04 Michael & Susan Gelman, et. al A-5937
11/08/04 Hyon Ho Kim, David Bassett & Mitchell Herman A-5876