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Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the questions that businesses ask regularly. If you have a question on another topic, let us know!
There are many resources available to you! One place to start is the Montgomery County Business Portal for information on starting a business which provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide with links to resources that you might find helpful including counseling and training options. You also should explore the resources available from the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation.
Any homeowner in Montgomery County, who operates a home-based business which generates more than five visits to the site per week, or who engages a non-resident employee, must register the business with the Department of Permitting Services. In addition, all home-health practitioners and lawn maintenance services are required to register.
Montgomery County and the State of Maryland have a variety of funding programs available to businesses that are interested in starting or expanding in the County.
Montgomery County is committed to providing opportunities for businesses to contract with the government. There are several procurement programs designed to expand opportunities for local small and minority-owned companies.
Business owners should be aware of the Maryland and Montgomery County taxes that apply to companies doing business in Montgomery County. It is always a good idea to consult with a tax professional to be sure you understand all of the requirments.