Commission on Veterans Affairs
The meetings of the Commission on Veterans Affairs are open to the public. The Commission welcomes visitors to join us as we serve the County and its residents. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month, except in July and August. As possible, we adjust meeting dates in order to accommodate days of major religious observances. Please contact the office to confirm meetings.
Meeting Accessibility Notice: Sign language interpreter services and other auxiliary aids or services will be provided upon request with as much advance notice as possible, preferably at least three (3) full business days before the meeting/event. To request any other reasonable accommodation or to advise us of any dietary considerations, please contact [email protected]. Taking these steps will help us have sufficient time to best meet your needs.
Maryland Open Meetings Act - Model Regulations for Open Meetings
1.01. Public Attendance. (a) At any open session of the [name of public body], the general public is invited to attend and observe. (b) Except in instances when the [public body] expressly invites public testimony, questions, comments, or other forms of public participation, or when public participation is otherwise authorized by law, no member of the public attending an open session may participate in the session.
1.02. Disruptive Conduct. (a) A person attending an open session of the [public body] may not engage in any conduct, including visual demonstrations such as the waving of placards, signs, or banners, that disrupts the session or that interferes with the right of members of the public to attend and observe the session. (b)(1) The presiding officer may order any person who persists in conduct prohibited by subsection (a) of this section or who violates any other regulation concerning the conduct of the open session to be removed from the session and may request police assistance to restore order. (2) The presiding officer may recess the session while order is restored. View more information on Maryland Open Meetings Act.
Boards/Committees/Commissions (B/C/C) Inclement Weather Policy
- If Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) open late, B/C/C morning meetings are cancelled.
- If MCPS closes early, or if afternoon or evening activities are cancelled, B/C/C afternoon and evening meetings are cancelled.
- If MCPS is closed all day, all B/C/C meetings for that day and evening will be cancelled.
Previous Meeting Agendas
2024 January February March April May June September October November |
2023 January February March April May June No meeting in July or August September October November December |
2022 January February March April May June No meeting in July or August September October November December - No Meeting |
2021 January February March April May June No meeting in July or August September October November December |
2020 January February March April May June No meeting in July or August September October November December |
2019 January February March April May - No Meeting June No meeting in July or August September October November December |
Full Commission Meeting Schedule
December 17, 2024
January 21, 2025
February 18, 2025
March 18, 2025
April 15, 2025
May 20, 2025
June 17, 2025
No meetings in July or August
September 16, 2025
October 21, 2025
November 18, 2025
December 16, 2025
Proudly Recognizing the Military Service of Our U.S. Armed Forces, U.S. Uniformed Services & Their Families