Public Hearing Access and Exhibits

Hearing Date:  December 13, 2024, 9:30AM

Cases:  H-157 and CU 25-01, Arcland Properties (Paramount Self Storage)

Arcland Property Company (Paramount Self Storage), requests a rezoning from the CR-2.0, C-0.5, R-1.5, H-120’ zone to the CRTF-2.75,C-2.75, R-1.5, H-120’ zone and a conditional use for a self storage facility.  
The subject property is located at 5750 Paramount Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20855, also known as Parcel H-2 in the “Derwood” subdivision and Plat number 10829 (Tax Account 04-00776845).

FILING DATE:  August 16, 2024

Hearing Examiner:  Kathleen Byrne
Applicant's Attorney:  Elizabeth Rogers

                        H-157 Exhibits

H-157 Exhibit List

1. LMA Application
    (a). Planning LMA Checklist
2. Financial Disclosure Statement
3. Identification Plat
4. Certified Zoning Map
5. Land Use Report
6. Notice List
7. Floating Zone Plan
8. Existing Condtions Plan
9. SWM Concept Plan
10. Circulation Plan
11. Concept Utility Plan
12. Architectural Plans
13. Landscape Plan
14. Draft Declaration of Covenants 
                                    CU 25-01 Exhibits

CU 25-01 Exhibit List
1. CU Application
2. Land Use Report 
3. Existing Conditions Plan
4. Notice List
5. Certified Zoning Map
6. Conditional Use Plan
7. Circulation Plan
8. Concept Utility Plan
9. Landscape Plans
10. Architectural Plans
12. PFCP
13. Traffic Statement

Meeting Details

To Appear in Person: Go to the Davidson Memorial Hearing Room adjacent to OZAH office, Room 200, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850

To appear via Zoom:

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