APPLY for a Board, Committee, or Commission
Many BCCs continue to meet virtually using Microsoft Teams Meetings or another online platform. Other BCCs are meeting in person or holding hybrid virtual/in person meetings. Please see the calendar listing for the BCC meeting you wish to attend. If the BCC is meeting virtually click on the meeting link, or call the telephone number provided and enter the ID or access code when prompted. You can choose to participate by either method. Non-member attendees will be able to view and/or listen to, or attend meetings but will not be able to participate unless given permission by the chair of the meeting. If you have questions, please email or call the contact listed for the meeting you wish to attend.
To obtain a BCC's meeting agenda and minutes, please email or call the contact listed in the BCC's meeting notice, or click on the link to the BCC's website if provided in the meeting notice, or email: [email protected]
Meeting Accessibility and Foreign Language Interpreter Notice: Sign language interpreter services and other auxiliary aids or services, and foreign language interpreter services for any language other than English, will be provided upon request with as much advance notice as possible, preferably at least three (3) full business days before the meeting/event. To request the above or any other reasonable accommodation, please contact MD Relay at 711, or email or call the contact listed for the meeting you wish to attend.
The County Executive and County Council encourage people who live or work in Montgomery County to become actively involved in matters affecting the quality of life in Montgomery County. Appointments are made to more than 80 Boards, Committees, and Commissions (BCCs) by the County Executive, with confirmation by the County Council. Generally, BCCs meet one or two evenings per month, have three year terms, and are advisory in nature. Most members of BCCs are not compensated, but mileage and dependent care expenses may be reimbursed. Vacancies are advertised and often published by area newspapers.