Service Performance
FY24 Service Level Agreement Review (In Progress)
Each Spring, CountyStat reviews the entire catalog of MC311 Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for each of the services provided by Montgomery County Government, and considers, along with department input, appropriate revisions to take effect at the start of each new fiscal year (stating July 1st). An SLA states the estimated number of business days required to complete a Service Request from a resident. This SLA information is provided to residents when contacting the County to request a service, both to manage resident expectations and promote accountability. After several years of conducting this exercise, most SLAs are well-calibrated to both external expectations and internal operational realities. For example, Departments successfully resolved and/or closed the services requested by residents, meeting the expected timeframe, 96.2% of the time between July 1, 2022, and May 10, 2023.
High Volume Service Request Performance
The visualization on the right displays the performance of the service requests that were requested over 100 timesĀ from July 1, 2022-May 10, 2023. The vertical axis displays the percent of requests that were resolved within the Service Level Agreement period and the horizonal axis displays the number of requests.
FY24 Service Level Agreement Review Dashboard
The dashboard shown below reflects the service delivery performance for all services requested via MC311 from July 1, 2022-May 10, 2023. The dashboard allows you to filter by Department and the service request volume.