Montgomery County Emergency Medical Transport Services
As of January 1, 2013, the EMS Law (Bill 17-12E | Bill 17-13 | County Resolution 17-664 | County Regulation 6-20) authorized Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service to seek reimbursement for ambulance transports from private health insurance companies, Medicare, or Medicaid. The quality of patient care continues to be the highest priority for Montgomery County’s Fire & Rescue Service.
Per Montgomery County Code § 21-23A(f) and COMCOR 21.23A.01.02, if you are a Montgomery County resident, you are not required to pay any out-of-pocket expenses (co-payment, deductible, or uninsured portion of the cost of each emergency medical services transport) relating to emergency medical services transport services provided by MCFRS. However, upon request, you must furnish to the County information regarding your health insurer and/or any other insurer that provides you coverage for emergency medical services. You are also required to execute an assignment of benefits necessary to permit the County to submit a claim for the reimbursement to the applicable third-party payor.
The revenue generated from this program will provide much needed equipment, enhancement and training for the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, without additional cost and increased taxes on county residents.
If you are asked to provide additional insurance information about your ambulance transport, please call 1-833-353-6883. If you still have questions, please contact us at [email protected] or call the Patient Advocate at 240-777-3636.
Please see the EMS Reimbursement FAQ for much more information.