FROMS Medical Reimbursement
Division of Volunteer Services

Current volunteers under the MCFRS / MCVFRA Collective Bargaining Agreement may be eligible for medical reimbursement. Article 10, Section 1 of the agreement states the following:

In the event MCFRS requires an active volunteer as defined in Section 21-21(a) of the Montgomery County Code to undergo follow-up testing (based on a condition discovered as a result of the annual physical provided by Fire Rescue Occupational Medical Section, FROMS) prior to making a determination as to whether said volunteer is medically able to be placed on the IECS, the County shall assume the cost of such follow-up testing in situations where the volunteer has no health insurance which would cover the follow-up testing. The volunteer must attest to the fact that they either have no insurance or that their insurance will not cover such costs and provide all such documentation as is necessary to establish the lack of insurance coverage. Reimbursement for any such tests shall not exceed $5,000.00 over the course of the agreement. The volunteer must utilize the services of the provider recommended by FROMS, if any.

Article 1, Section 2 defines a volunteer as follows

For the purposes of this Agreement, a volunteer means any person who is a member of a LFRD and has completed the previous six (6) months as a member of any LFRD.

For you, as a volunteer, who meets the above definition, to receive the following, DOVS needs:

  • A document from FROMS saying that a specialist is needed.
  • Copy of medical invoice or statement showing amount and proof of payment.
  • Statement from member that the amount paid is not covered by insurance or that they have no insurance.

All documents should be emailed to and CC

Please allow up to 10 business days processing time.