Fire & Rescue Incident & Unit Statistics For Calendar Year 2009
- Calendar Year Dispatches - Chart shows the total number of dispatched incidents responded to by Montgomery County units by year.
- Fire Fatalities - Chart shows the total number of fatalities due to fire in the county by year.
- Fire Incident Information - Document describing fire data for the year, includes injury and fatality data.
- Calls For Service Dispatched by Call Type - Report shows the total number of dispatched incidents for the year. The report is grouped by the call type.
- Calls For Service by Call Type Dispatched to Station Area - Report shows the total dispatched incidents for the year grouped by the call type for each station area within Montgomery County. There is a separate section for each local fire and rescue department in the Montgomery County system.
- Calls For Service by Call Type Dispatched to Out Of County Area - Report shows the total number of dispatched incidents that Montgomery County units responded to out-of-county areas in the year. The report is grouped by call type and jurisdiction.
- Station Responses By Call Type - Report shows the number of incidents responded to by station for the year. The report is grouped by the dispatched call type and there is a separate section for each local fire and rescue department in the Montgomery County system.
- Station Responses By Station Area - Report shows the number of incidents responded to by station for the year. The report is grouped by station area and there is a separate section for each local fire and rescue department in the Montgomery County system.
- Unit Responses - Report shows the total number of dispatched incidents for each unit within a Local Fire and Rescue Department for the year. Each unit total is categorized by Alarm, ALS, BLS, Fire, Hazmat, Rescue, and Service. There is a separate section for each local fire and rescue department in the Montgomery County system.
- Other Unit Responses - Report shows the total number of dispatched incidents other units responded to for the year. These units are units not associated with any specific Montgomery County fire station. That is, units not reported in the "Unit Responses" report will be included in this report. These units include out-of-county units and administrative units. Each unit total is categorized by Alarm, ALS, BLS, Fire, Hazmat, Rescue, and Service.