County Council Adopted Resolution 15-1169
The primary focus of the Fire, Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, and Community Risk Reduction Master Plan is on our external customers -- the residents and business owners of Montgomery County and visitors to the county. Other external customers to which this Master Plan is focused include MCFRS' partners, including County departments and agencies, municipalities located in Montgomery County, private sector emergency service organizations serving the County, State departments/agencies, and federal departments/agencies. Internal customers of the MCFRS to which this Plan is also focused include the Fire and Rescue Commission and the many fire-rescue resource groups that support the overall MCFRS.
Considering that many readers of this Master Plan may not be familiar with their Fire and Rescue Service, the Plan includes considerable explanation of fire-rescue terminology, concepts, operations, methodologies, and programs in an effort to make the plan more understandable. Readers are encouraged to review the Acronyms and Glossary sections before reading Sections 1-7.
Introductory Statement
Fire Chief Thomas Carr, Jr. would like to acknowledge and thank all individuals who contributed to the Fire, Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, and Community Risk Reduction Master Plan, including those listed below. Contributors provided written and verbal input to the various drafts, data and data analyses, GIS support, photographs, comments on plan drafts, and/or related assistance. All contributions were beneficial and much appreciated.
County Officials:
County Executive Douglas M. Duncan
County Council: Thomas Perez, George Leventhal, Phil Andrews, Michael Knapp, Michael Subin, Marilyn Praisner, Nancy Floreen, Steven Silverman, Howard Denis
County Council Public Safety Committee: Phil Andrews, Michael Knapp, Michael Subin (and Legislative Analyst Minna Davidson)
CAO Bruce Romer
ACAO Joseph Beach
ACAO Scott Reilly
Lisa Rother, Planning Manager, Office of Planning Implementation
Principal Author: Scott Gutschick, Senior Planning Specialist, MCFRS
GIS and Analytical Support: Sarah Ierley, GIS Manager, MCFRS
Data Support: Bonnie Bigenho, IT Supervisor/Manager III, MCFRS
Photographs: Carlos Alfaro, Sr., MCFRS (multiple photos); Robert Katz, MCFRS (River Rescue photo); Scott Stokes, MCFRS (photo of child with Sparky); American Fire Equipment, Inc. (Bomb Squad photo)
Web Author: Les Better, Lieutenant/Web Administrator, MCFRS
MCFRS Contributors:
[Former] Fire Administrator Gordon Aoyagi
Fire and Rescue Commissioners (2004): Ronald Ogens, Robert Freeman, Michael Love, Lisa Larson, Guy Poirier, Anita Powell, Kevin Maloney
[Former] Acting DVFRS Chief Fred Welsh
Chief Roger McGary, Silver Spring Fire Department
Chief Thomas Jones, Glen Echo Fire Department
Chief Douglas Edwards, Hyattstown Volunteer Fire Department
Division Chiefs: Phil Guercio, Michael Love, Randy Wheeler, Richie Bowers
Assistant Chiefs: Michael Clemens, Buddy Ey, Steven Lohr, Michael McCarty
Battalion Chiefs: Jim Resnick, Brian Geraci, Robert Stephan, Michael Prete, Michael Donahue, Barry Reid, Frank Rothenhoefer, Rich Holzman
Captains: Lee Silverman, Jamie Barton [retired], Michael Collins, Leroy Gross, Sam Hsu, Diane Zuspan, John Dimitriadis, Raymond Sanchez, Jeff Gross
Lieutenants Richard Barnes and Dallas Lipp
Master Firefighters: Ricardo Sheperd, Wayne Hummer, Peter Cacopardo
Master Firefighter-Paramedic David Devore
Firefighter-Rescuers: James Wilcher, John Wilcher, Edward Russell
Pete Piringer, PIO, MCFRS
Beth Anne Nesselt, Risk Watch Program Coordinator, MCFRS
Bill Delaney, Program Manager, Community Safety Education, MCFRS
Neil Shorb, CIP Manager, MCFRS
Steve Lamphier, Apparatus Program Manager, MCFRS
Beth Feldman, Administrative Specialist, Policy Development & Adoption, MCFRS
Albert George, IT Manager, MCFRS
Jon Hansen, IT Telecom Manager, MCFRS
Kathee Henning, Director [retired], Office of Emergency Management
Amy Davis, Vice President, IAFF-Local 1664
Ned Sherburne, Chairman, Community Fire-Rescue Chief Officers Association
Kenneth Holden, President, Montgomery County Volunteer Fire-Rescue Association
Andrew White, Chairman, Montgomery County Fire Board
Ed Tobias, President, Gaithersburg-Washington Grove Fire Department
Gamunu Wijetunge, 2nd Vice President, Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad
Steven Kurtz, Administrative Officer, Gaithersburg-Washington Grove Fire Dept.
Members of the [former] EMS Sub-committee of the [former] FRC Operations Committee
Regional Service Centers and Citizen Advisory Boards:
Regional Service Center Directors
Citizen Advisory Boards (associated with the five Regional Service Centers)
Table of Contents
In order to view the documents below, you MUST have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system. You may download the Adobe Acrobat Reader free from Adobe Systems Inc.
- Introductory Statement, Acknowlegements, Table of Contents, Acronyms & Glossary - SECTION 1.1
- Cover Page - Rescue of Child - SECTION 1.2
- Introduction - SECTION 2.1
- Cover Page - Fire Chief Reading to Children - SECTION 2.2
- MCFRS Organizational Structure, Doctrine, Goals, Personnel & Partnerships - SECTION 2.3
- MCFRS Organizational Chart - SECTION 3.1
- Cover Page – Collage of Risks within
County - SECTION 3.2
- Fire-Rescue Related Risk and Customers’ Needs & Expectations
- Cover Page – Building Fire - SECTION 4.2
- Fire-Rescue Service Functional Elements - SECTION 5.1
- Cover Page – CPR in Progress - SECTION 5.2
- Recommendations
(with Explanation/Details) - SECTION 6.1
- Cover Page – Child Reacting to Fire Safety Robot - SECTION 6.2
- Recommendations
(Shortened Version without Explanation) - SECTION 7.1
- Cover page – Strategic Plan for Implementation of Master Plan Priorities - SECTION 7.2
- Implementation Costs of Highest Priorities
- Appendices List
- Appendices A
- Appendices - B-F, I, M
- Background Data/Information - Appendix G
- Disaster Command System Chart
- Appendix H
- Fire-Rescue Training Academy Courses - Appendix J
- Information Technology Diagram - Appendix K
- Accreditation Process - Appendix L
- Comparison of NFPA 1710 to MCFRS Requirements
Figures (Charts)
- FIGURES 3.3 - Density of CY2000-2002 BLS Incidents
- FIGURES 3.4 - Density of CY2000-2002 ALS Incidents
- FIGURES 3.5 - Density of Cardiac Arrests in CY2002
- FIGURES 3.6 - Health Care Facilities
- FIGURES 3.7 - Density of CY2000-2002 PIC Incidents
- FIGURES 3.8 - Pedestrians Struck: CY2000-2002
- FIGURES 3.13 - Density of CY2000-2002 Dispatched Structure Fires
- FIGURES 3.14 - Density of CY2000-2002 “Cleared” Structure Fires
- FIGURES 3.15 - Frequency of “Cleared” Structure Fires: CY2002
- FIGURES 3.18 - Density of CY2000-2002 Non-Structure Fires
- FIGURES 3.19 - Density of CY2000-2002 Alarm Incidents
- FIGURES 3.20 - MNCPPC Planning Boundaries and MCFRS First-Due Areas
- FIGURES 3.24 - Hazmat Incidents: CY2000-2002
- FIGURES 3.25 - Destructive Device Incidents: CY2000-2002
- FIGURES 4.6 - Fire & Rescue Stations
- FIGURES 5.1 - Germantown West Station First-Due Area
- FIGURES 5.2 - Travilah Station First-Due Area
- FIGURES 5.3 - Germantown East Station First-Due Area
- FIGURES 5.4 - Clarksburg Station First-Due Area
- FIGURES 5.5 - Shady Grove Station First-Due Area
- FIGURES 5.7 - Fire-Rescue Density Zones for 2015
This page was last updated on November 21, 2005