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Proclamation recognizing Public Safety Appreciation Day

Recognizing Chief Marcus Jones

The Montgomery County Council proudly recognizes and celebrates the distinguished career of Police Chief Marcus Jones, whose remarkable 38 years of service have profoundly impacted the community. Chief Jones began his journey in September 1985, working his way from patrolman and detective to Assistant Chief of the Investigative Services Bureau, Commander of the 3rd District, and Director of Major Crimes and Drug Enforcement. Appointed as the 17th Police Chief in 2019, he has led with unwavering dedication, enhancing public safety and fostering community relationships. The Council expresses its deepest gratitude for his exceptional leadership and wishes him a joyful retirement. Thank you Chief Jones for the decades of dedicated service you proved to Montgomery County and its residents.

Welcome MCPD Chief Marc Yamada and MCFRS Chief Corey Smedley

I am pleased to welcome Chief Marc Yamada and Chief Corey Smedley. Chief Yamada, with his extensive service and community dedication, and Chief Smedley, with his innovative leadership and historic appointment, both bring invaluable experience to their respective roles. We look forward to their contributions in enhancing public safety in Montgomery County.


Sidney in the Community


Looking for food resources? Montgomery County has a number of sources available to help. Find a listing of food distribution events, tools for providers, and opportunities to donate.