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Child Care Business Starter Kit

Use this kit as a general overview of what it would take to open a child care business in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Beyond the general steps required to start your business there are certain considerations that specifically apply to child care businesses.

Additional Resources

Things to think about when choosing a location

When choosing a location or building for a Child Care Center, there are some very specific requirements that should be considered. Be sure to think through what is required to establish a successful child care center.

Child Care Support Services

The Montgomery County Child Care Support Services' mission is to build a successful and knowledgeable child care workforce through professional development and individualized support. The Center is a valuable resource for child care providers.

Maryland Women's Business Center

The Maryland Women’s Business Center (MWBC) supports childcare businesses in Montgomery County by providing tools, information and business-related classes. In addition, the MWBC provides direct support to programs through Montgomery County Child Care Support Services.