Jeremiah Park

Show the project location in google map 16651 Crabbs Branch Way

Derwood, MD 20855

Site plan

Project Team

Montgomery County Government
Department of General Services

Office of Planning and Development

Ronnie Warner, Chief
[email protected]

Learn more about the community engagement process for this project:

Current Status: Planning

The County has engaged a consultant team, with Design Collective leading the planning along with PRR and VHB, to provide comprehensive community outreach and engagement activities related to the bus depot and mixed-use development on Jeremiah Park. The consultant team will provide land planning and high-level concept designs for the entire 45-acre parcel, based on feedback from the community engagement process. To learn more about the community engagement project, please visit .

Jeremiah Park is the 45-acre portion of the former County Service Park located on the east side of Crabbs Branch Way. The current Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Shady Grove Depot is located on the Jeremiah Park site. In 2012, the Preliminary Plan for Jeremiah Park was approved by the Montgomery Planning Board to include 345 townhomes and 344 multi-family units, and an eight-acre elementary school and park site. The Preliminary Plan contemplates relocation of the MCPS Shady Grove Depot off site.

The County is currently exploring the option to co-locate new County and MCPS zero-emissions bus depots at Jeremiah Park, as well as private mixed-use development. 

Preliminary Plan - 2012

Preliminary Plan - 2012