Employers with 25 or more employees located in a Transportation Management District (TMD) are required by law to file a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan and Annual Report. Both the Plan and the Annual Reports can be filed online.
The purpose of the law is to reduce gridlock and encourage commuting options in the County. The law applies to employers with 25 or more employees that are located in the County's six TMDs:
Friendship Heights
Greater Shady Grove
North Bethesda
Silver Spring
White Oak
Not sure if law applies to you or if your company is located in a TMD? Click here to send us an e-mail with your company's name, address and zip and we'll respond in two working days. You can check to see if your company is located in a TMD with this interactive map.
Go here to learn more about the County's law regarding Transportation Management Districts and Transportation Demand Management.
Contact us. We want to hear from you.
Because the online filing system is new, we are interested in your comments about its ease of use, appearance, etc. Please tell us about any challenges you encounter while using the system by clicking here.
First Time Filing a Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDM)?
Here's how to get started:
A TDM Plan is a combination of required and optional strategies your company will implement to reduce the number of employees commuting alone by car.
Employers new to one of Montgomery County's Transportation Management Districts that have 25 or more employees, are identified and contacted by the County's TMD representatives.
We're here to help you. Contact your TMD Representative if:
- you have not submitted a TDM to the County;
- you are not sure if your company has submitted a Plan;
- you are not sure of the status of your TDM Plan; or
- to learn more about TDM Plans and Annual Reports
After you have discussed your Plan with your TMD representative, you are ready to submit the Plan online.
Enter Your TDM Plan
To access the online system, use this link: Traffic Mitigation Plan or Annual Report System
1. Welcome: The first page asks for your company e-mail address. This should be the e-mail address of the person responsible for submitting the TDM Plan and subsequent Annual Reports. The e-mail address you enter is also your user ID. You must use the same e-mail address each time you access the system.
2. Employer Profile: Enter the information required (e.g., company telephone number, address, number of full-time and part-time employees, etc.). Create a password — you must use the same password each time to access the system. Continue to the Traffic Mitigation Plan page.
3. Transportation Demand Management Plan: Indicate the actions your company plans to take to implement the required or optional traffic mitigating strategies. You will receive a confirmation e-mail once the plan is received. You will also receive an e-mail confirming that the TMP has been approved.
File an Annual Report Online
For employers that have previously submitted a TDM Plan, Commuter Services has set up an account for your company and entered your Plan, as it was originally submitted, into the online system.
You should have received an e-mail notice or letter from us if it is time to file.
If you are not sure about whether a notice was sent to you, contact your TMD representative.
If you are not able to file online at this time, you can still submit your Annual Report on paper. Contact your TMD representative for instructions. Insert link to TMD Reps names and phone numbers.
Entering Your Annual Report
If you received an e-mail notice from us, it is time to file your TMP Annual Report. The e-mail notice will include a link to access your company's account in the on-line filing system.
Employer Profile: The link will take you directly to the Employer Profile. Please enter, update, or correct company information (i.e., company telephone number, address, number of full-time and part-time employees, etc.).
Annual Report: The Annual Report page contains the text from your original TDM Plan. Enter the progress you made during the year for each strategy you are implementing. In future years, the Annual Report page will be populated with the previous year's report information to make updating easier. You will receive a confirmation e-mail upon the County's receipt of the Annual Report and another upon its approval.
Transportation Management District Offices and Contacts
Bethesda TMD
Marcus Johnson
[email protected]
Bethesda Transportation Solutions
(301) 656-0868 ext. 129
Friendship Heights TMD
Sharron Lipford
[email protected]
Greater Shady Grove TMD
Jennifer Bolick
[email protected]
(301) 836-1516
North Bethesda TMD
Traci McPhail
[email protected]
Peggy Schwartz
[email protected]
(301) 770-8108
Silver Spring TMD
Jennifer Bolick
[email protected]
(301) 836-1516
White Oak TMD
Sharron Lipford
[email protected]