Mont. Co. DOT has developed this WWW interface to the County's ATMS VIDEO MONITORING SYSTEM that allows you to view our traffic monitoring cameras.
- Moving camera images (opens in a new window or tab with a map interface)
- Text Listing of cameras arranged by route
- Text Listing of cameras arranged by geographic area
Other Area Camera Links:
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Can we link to your site? See our "Use of Materials Statement"
- Which direction is the camera pointing? See: Our Camera Titling Convention
(I-495) Cameras, listed from Virginia to Prince George's County
American Legion Bridge (SHA camera)
Seven Locks Road Underpass
River Rd. (MD.190)
Old Georgetown Rd. (MD.187)
Connecticut Ave. (MD.185)
Colesville Rd. (US. 29)
University Blvd. & I-495
(MD 28) Cameras, listed west to east
Darnestown Rd. (MD 28) & Quince Orchard Blvd. (MD 124)
W. Montgomery Rd. (MD 28) & Research Blvd.
I-270 & W. Montgomery Avenue (MD 28)
E. Jefferson St. (MD.28) & Rockville Pike (MD.355)
First St (MD 28) & Veirs Mill Rd (MD 586)
Key West Ave (MD 28) & Shady Grove Rd.
Norbeck Rd (MD 28) & Gude Dr.
Norbeck Rd (MD 28) & Bel Pre Rd.
Norbeck Rd (MD 28) & Muncaster Mill Rd. (MD 115)
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) | Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) | Old Georgetown Road (MD 187)
Falls Rd (MD 189) | River Rd. (MD 190) | University Blvd. (MD 193) | MD 355 | East-West Hwy. (MD 410)
US 29 | New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650)
Go to Geographcal Listing
(MD 97) Georgia Ave. Cameras, listed north to south )
Olney Laytonsville Road (MD 108)
Emory La.
Norbeck Rd.
Bel Pre Rd.
Connecticut Ave.
Aspen Hill Rd.
Urbana Dr.
Randolph Rd.
University Blvd. (MD 193)
Veirs Mill Rd.
Plyers Mill Rd.
Dennis Ave.
Forest Glen Rd.
16th St.
Spring St.
Wayne Ave.
East-West Hwy. (MD 410)
(Return to Route Index)
(MD 185) Connecticut Ave. Cameras, listed north to south )
Georgia Ave. (MD 97)
Aspen Hill Rd.
Randolph Rd.
University Blvd. (MD 193)
Jones Bridge Rd.
East-West Hwy (MD 410)
(Return to Route Index)
(MD 187) Old Georgetown Road Cameras, listed north to south )
Executive Blvd.
Tilden Middle School
Democracy Blvd.
Cedar Lane
Arlington Road/St. Elmo Ave.
(Return to Route Index )
(MD 189) Falls Road Cameras, listed north to south)
Wooton Parkway
Montrose Road
River Road
(Return to Route Index )
(MD 190) River Road Cameras, listed west to east )
Bradley Blvd. (MD.191)
Seven Locks Road
Goldsboro Road (MD 614)
(Return to Route Index)
(MD 193) Cameras, listed west to east )
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185)
Georgia Ave. (MD 97)
Veirs Mill Rd. (MD 586)
Arcola Ave.
Lorain Ave. {West of Four Corners}
Colesville Rd. (US 29)
Williamsburg Dr. {East of Four Corners}
Piney Branch Rd (MD 320)
(Return to Route Index)
(MD 355) Cameras, listed north to south )
Frederick Road. & Clarksburg Rd (MD 121)
Frederick Road. & Germantown Rd. (MD 118)
Frederick Road. & Ridge Rd. (MD 27)
Frederick Road. & Gunners Branch Rd.
Frederick Road. & Professional
Hungerford Dr. (MD 355) & Manakee
Montgomery Village Ave. & Frederick Rd.
Summit Ave. & Frederick Rd.
Shady Grove Rd. & Frederick Rd.
Gude Drive & Frederick Ave.
E. Jefferson St. (MD.28) & Rockville Pike
Congressional La. & Rockville Pike
Nicholson La. & Rockville Pike
Pooks Hill Rd. & Rockville Pike
Cedar La. & Rockville Pike
East-West Hwy. (MD.410) & Wisconsin Ave.
Bradley Blvd. (MD.191) & Wisconsin Ave.
Willard Ave. (north of) & Wisconsin Ave.
(Return to Route Index)
(MD 410) East West Highway Cameras, listed west to east)
Wisconsin Ave. (MD.355)
Montgomery La. (MD 410)
Edgevale St.
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185)
Beach Dr. and Jones Mill Rd.
Georgia Ave.
Colesville Rd.
(Return to Route Index)
(US 29) Cameras, listed north to south )
Randolph Rd. & Columbia Pike
Stewart La. & Columbia Pike
Lockwood Dr. & Columbia Pike
University Blvd. (MD 193) & Colesville Rd.
Colesville Rd. (US. 29) & I-495
Franklin Ave. & Colesville Rd.
Dale Dr. (MD 391) & Colesville Rd.
Fenton St. & Colesville Rd.
Wayne Ave. & Georgia Ave.
East-West Hwy. (MD.410) & Georgia Ave.
(Return to Route Index)
(MD 650) New Hampshire Avenue Cameras, listed north to south )
Ashton Rd (MD108)
Norbeck Rd & MD 198
Bonifant/Good Hope
Randolph Rd.
Lockwood Drive.
Powder Mill Rd.
(Return to Route Index)
Cameras Listed by Geographic Area
Germantown/Gaithersburg | Rockville | Bethesda/Potomac | Silver Spring
Go to Route Listing
Clopper Rd. (MD 117) & Great Seneca Hwy (MD 119)
Clopper Rd. (MD 117) & Quince Orchard Rd. (MD 124)
Darnestown Rd. (MD 28) & Quince Orchard Blvd. (MD 124)
Darnestown Rd. (Old MD 28) & Great Seneca Highway
Darnestown Rd. (Old MD 28) & Shady Grove Road
Frederick Ave. (MD 355) & Gude Drive
Frederick Road (MD 355 & Germantown Rd. (MD 118)
Frederick Road (MD 355) & Gunners Branch Rd.
Frederick Road (MD.355) & Montgomery Village Ave. (MD 124)
Frederick Road (MD 355) & Professional
Frederick Road (MD 355) & Ridge Rd. (MD 27)
Frederick Road (MD 355) & Shady Grove Rd.
Frederick Road (MD 355) & Summit Ave.
Gaither Road & Shady Grove Road
Germantown Rd. (MD 118) & Richter Farm Rd.
Great Seneca Highway (MD 119) & Middlebrook Rd.
Great Seneca Highway (MD 119) &Sam Eig Hwy.
Great Seneca Highway (MD 119) & Quince Orchard Blvd. (MD 124)
I-270 & Clarksburg Rd. (MD121)
I-270 & Father Hurley Blvd.
I-270 & Germantown Rd. (MD 118)
I-270 & Middlebrook Road
I-270 & Shady Grove Road
I-370 & Shady Grove Road
Lost Knife Road & Montgomery Village Avenue (MD 124)
Lost Knife Road & Odenhal Avenue(NEW)
Muncaster Mill Rd (MD115) & Shady Grove Rd.
Ridge Rd (MD 27) & Brink Rd
Woodfield (MD 124) & Airpark Rd
Woodfield (Md.124) & Snouffers School Rd. & MD 115
(Return to Geographic Index)
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & Randolph Rd.
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & University Blvd. (MD 193)
Darnestown Rd. & Great Seneca Highway (MD 119)
Darnestown Rd. & Shady Grove Road
Frederick Ave.(MD.355) & Gude Drive
E. Jefferson St. (MD.28) & Rockville Pike (MD.355)
Falls Rd (MD 189) & Wootton Pkwy.
First St (MD 28) & Veirs Mill Rd (MD 586)
I-270 & Falls Rd. (MD 189)
I-270 & Montrose Rd.
I-270 & Old Georgetown Rd. (MD.187)
I-270 & Shady Grove Rd.
I-270 & Tuckerman La. (I-270 Split)
I-270 & W. Montgomery Avenue (MD 28)
Montrose Road & Seven Locks Road
Norbeck Rd (MD 28) & Bel Pre Rd.
Norbeck Rd (MD 28) & Gude Dr.
Norbeck Rd (MD 28) & Muncaster Mill Rd. (MD 115)
Rockville Pike (MD 355) & Congressional La.
Rockville Pike (MD.355) & Nicholson La.
Twinbrook Pkwy. & Parklawn Dr.
Twinbrook Pkwy. & Veirs Mill Rd. (MD.586).
MD 108 & Prince Philip Dr.
MD 108 & Dr. Bird
MD 108 & MD 650
MD 650 & Ednor Rd
(Return to Geographic Index)
Arlington Road & Bradley Blvd. (MD 191)
Arlington Road/Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) & St. Elmo Ave.
Bradley Blvd. (MD 191) & River Rd. (MD 190)
Bradley Blvd. (MD 191) & Seven Locks Rd.
Bradley Blvd. (MD 191) & Wisconsin Ave. (MD 355)
Cedar La. & Old Georgetown Rd. (MD 187)
Cedar La. & Rockville Pike (MD 355)
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & East-West Hwy (MD 410)
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & I-495
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & Jones Bridge Rd.
Democracy Blvd. & Seven Locks Rd.
Democracy Blvd. & Westlake Dr.
East-West Hwy. (MD 410) & Beach Dr. & Jones Mill Rd.
East West Hwy. (MD 410) & Edgevale St.
East-West Hwy. (MD.410) & Montgomery LA.
East-West Hwy. (MD.410) & Wisconsin Ave. (MD 355)
Falls Rd. (MD.189) & Montrose Rd.
Goldsboro Road (MD 614) & River Road (MD 190)
I-270 & Old Georgetown Rd. (MD 187)
I-270 Split & Tuckerman La.
I-495 & American Legion Bridge (SHA camera)
I-495 & Old Georgetown Rd. (MD 187)
I-495 & River Rd (MD 190)
I-495 & Seven Locks Road Underpass
River Rd. (MD 190) & Seven Locks Rd.
River Rd (MD 190 & Wilson
Rockville Pike (MD 355) & Nicholson La.
Rockville Pike (MD 355) & Pooks Hill Rd.
Seven Locks Rd & Tuckerman La
Westlake & Westlake Dr.
Wisconsin Ave. (MD 355) & north of Willard Ave.
(Return to Geographic Index)
16th & Spring St (NEW)
Colesville Rd. (US 29) & Dale Dr. (MD 391)
Colesville Rd. (US 29) & Fenton St.
Colesville Rd. (US 29) & Franklin Ave.
Colesville Rd. (US 29) & Lockwood Dr.
Colesville Rd. (US 29) & I-495
Colesville Rd. (US 29) & University Blvd. (MD 193)
Colesville Rd. (MD 384) & Wayne Ave. / Second Ave.
Columbia Pike (US 29) & Randolph Rd.
Columbia Pike (US 29) & Stewart La.
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & Aspen Hill Rd.
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & East-West Hwy (MD 410)
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & Georgia Ave. (MD 97)
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & I-495
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & Jones Bridge Rd.
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & Randolph Rd.
Connecticut Ave. (MD 185) & University Blvd. (MD 193)
East West Hwy. (MD 410) & Georgia Ave.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & 16th St.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Aspen Hill Rd.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Bel Pre Rd.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Connecticut Ave.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Dennis Ave.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Emory La.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Norbeck Rd.
Georgia Ave. & East-West Hwy. (MD.410)
Georgia Ave. (MD 97 & Forest Glen Rd.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Olney-Laytonsville Road (MD 108)
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Plyers Mill Rd.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Randolph Rd.
Georgia Ave. & Spring St.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97 & Urbana Dr.
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & University Blvd. (MD 193)
Georgia Ave. (MD 97) & Veirs Mill Rd.
Georgia Ave. & Wayne Ave.
New Hampshire Ave (MD 650) & Adelphi
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Ashton Rd (MD108)
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Bonifant/Good Hope
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Ednor
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Lockwood Drive.
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Norbeck Rd & MD 198
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Powder Mill Rd.
New Hampshire Ave. (MD 650) & Randolph Rd.
MD 108 & Prince Philip Dr.
MD 108 & Dr. Bird
Randolph Rd & Kemp Mill Rd
Randolph Rd & Tamarack
Randolph Rd & Serpentine
Woodfield (MD 124) & Airpark Rd
University Blvd. (MD 193) & Arcola Ave.
University Blvd. (MD 193) & Williamsburg Dr. {East of Four Corners
University Blvd. & Lorain Ave. {West of Four Corners}
University Blvd. & I-495
University Blvd (MD 193) & Piney Branch Rd (MD 320)
(Return to Geographic Index)
Camera Titling Convention
(i.e. Which way is that camera pointing?)
Our surveillance cameras have built in titling that show up as characters at the top of the picture. These titles change depending on which way we choose to have the camera pointing. You may recognize these titles from your morning news. Many local TV stations receive video from us and include it in their morning traffic reports. Most cameras will be pointed in one direction in the AM rush hours, and in another direction in the PM rush hours. Any time there is a traffic incident within range of our cameras, we may point the camera in that direction.
The convention used in our titling is very simple. Most cameras are located at the intersection of two roads. Both road names generally will be in the title, with the road actually in view as the first name. For example: "I-495 - River S" is a title you typically see on the camera at River Rd. and the Beltway (I-495). Since the camera view is looking at I-495, that name shows up first, and the nearest cross street to the camera location (in this case River Rd.) shows up second. The "S" at the end of the title indicates the direction the camera is actually pointing. This is a general compass direction, you will only see N, S, E or W.
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