COVID-19 Information

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The State’s Public Health Laboratory in Baltimore confirmed the first three positive cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Maryland on Thursday, March 5. The patients, who contracted the virus while traveling overseas, have recovered.  County health officials, along with emergency management officials, are working closely with State and Federal health officials to respond to this pandemic.

Information on Testing

If you think you are ill and need medical care, you should seek medical attention.  Call ahead before going so the provider can take precautions when you arrive.  Testing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) change frequently.  Please visit their site for updates on their guidance about who should be tested.  

Your physician or health care provider will assess your symptoms and determine if diagnostic testing for the COVID-19 virus is appropriate. If your health care provider suspects COVID-19, THEY will coordinate testing with a commercial lab or the State's public health laboratory. While some commercial labs have the ability to analyze and report results to the patient or provider who ordered testing, the labs currently only perform the analysis and DO NOT collect specimens directly from patients. If you would like to speak with a nurse please call 240-777-1755.  

Montgomery County COVID-19 Cases by the Numbers

Confirmed Cases
  Male Female Total
Age Group Count Rate* Count Rate* Count Rate
0-17 3  2.4 1     .8 4  1.6
18-49 97 45.6 93 42.0 190 43.8
50-64 54 54.2 56 50.5 110 52.2
65+ 52 79.4 32 37.1 84 55.3
Total 206 41.0 182 33.8 388 37.3

Age Group Male Female Total
0-17 0 0 0
18-49 0 1 1
50-64 1 0 1
65+ 0 0 0
Total 1 1 2

* Rates are per 100,000 population

The information above is based on case counts the Maryland Department of Health released on 4/1/20.  Data will be updated by mid-afternoon on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  • The information in this table is not intended to be used for individual diagnoses or to measure individual risk. Please call your health care provider if you have any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing.
  • In addition to the number of confirmed cases seen in each age group, rates are provided to indicate the age distribution of cases while taking into account the size differences of the age groups. This rate is the number of cases in an age group divided by the total number of people within that age group.
  • All data are subject to change as more information is received.

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