Click on the project number to view the project as it was last adopted by Council:

General Government

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
361205 1301 Piccard Loading Dock 5/26/2011
500705 401 Hungerford Drive Garage 5/27/2010
316222 ALARF: MCG 5/27/2010
361107 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Compliance 5/27/2010
508728 Asbestos Abatement: MCG 5/26/2011
500726 Data Center Rehabilitation 5/26/2011
850900 DLC Liquor Warehouse 5/27/2010
509923 Elevator Modernization 5/27/2010
507834 Energy Conservation: MCG 5/26/2011
500918 Environmental Compliance: MCG 5/27/2010
361200 EOB & Judicial Center Traffic Circle Repair 5/26/2011
361103 EOB HVAC Renovation 5/27/2010
500152 Facilities Site Selection: MCG 5/27/2010
508768 Facility Planning: MCG 5/27/2010
509651 Fibernet 5/26/2011
361112 Fuel Management 5/27/2010
508941 HVAC/Elec Replacement: MCG 5/26/2011
361102 Indoor Air Quality Improvement 5/27/2010
340200 Integrated Justice Information System 5/26/2011
509970 Life Safety Systems: MCG 5/26/2011
150700 Long Branch Town Center Redevelopment 5/27/2010
361111 MCPS Food Distribution Facility Relocation 5/26/2011
360901 Montgomery County Government Complex 5/26/2011
360902 Montgomery County Radio Shop Relocation 5/27/2010
361113 Old Blair Auditorium Reuse 5/27/2010
509514 Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: MCG 5/26/2011
340901 Public Safety System Modernization 5/26/2011
500727 Red Brick Courthouse Structural Repairs 5/27/2010
509914 Resurfacing Parking Lots: MCG 5/27/2010
508331 Roof Replacement: MCG 5/26/2011
159281 Silver Spring Redevelopment Pgm 5/27/2010
150701 Technology Modernization -- MCG 5/26/2011
151201 Universities at Shady Grove Expension 5/26/2011
150401 Wheaton Redevelopment Program 5/27/2010
151200 White Flint Redevelopment Program 5/26/2011

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Public Safety

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
471200 2nd District Police Station 5/26/2011
470302 3rd District Police Station 5/27/2010
470900 5th District Police Station 5/27/2010
470301 6th District Police Station 5/27/2010
470400 Animal Shelter 5/27/2010
450500 Cabin John Fire Station #30 Addition/Renovation 5/26/2011
450300 Clarksburg Fire Station 5/26/2011
421100 Criminal Justice Complex 5/27/2010
421101 DOCR Staff Training Center 5/27/2010
450101 East Germantown Fire Station 5/26/2011
450305 Female Facility Upgrade 5/27/2010
450302 Fire Stations: Life Safety Systems 5/27/2010
450700 FS Emergency Power System Upgrade 5/27/2010
450702 Glen Echo Fire Station Renovation 5/26/2011
450900 Glenmont FS 18 Replacement 7/22/2011
361105 Grey Courthouse Security 5/27/2010
458756 HVAC/Elec Replacement: Fire Stns 5/26/2011
100300 Judicial Center Annex 5/27/2010
450903 Kensington (Aspen Hill) FS 25 Addition 5/27/2010
470701 Outdoor Firearms Training Center 5/27/2010
420900 Pre-Release Center Kitchen Renovation and Addition 5/27/2010
470906 Public Safety Headquarters 5/27/2010
471102 Public Safety Training Academy (PSTA) Relocation 5/27/2010
458429 Resurfacing: Fire Stations 5/26/2011
450105 Rockville Fire Station 3 Renovation 5/27/2010
458629 Roof Replacement: Fire Stations 5/26/2011
459967 Takoma Park Fire Station 2 Replacement 5/26/2011
450504 Travilah Fire Station 5/26/2011
450505 Wheaton Rescue Squad Relocation 5/27/2010

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Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
509325 ADA Compliance: Transportation 5/26/2011
500112 Advance Reforestation 5/26/2011
509399 Advanced Transportation Management System 5/26/2011
507596 Annual Bikeway Program 5/26/2011
506747 Annual Sidewalk Program 5/26/2011
501003 ARRA Highway Improvements 5/26/2011
501002 ARRA Traffic Improvements 5/26/2011
500119 Bethesda Bikeway and Pedestrian Facilities 5/26/2011
500102 Bethesda CBD Streetscape 5/26/2011
500932 Bethesda Lot 31 Parking Garage 5/27/2010
500929 Bethesda Metro Station South Entrance 5/26/2011
501000 BRAC Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities 5/27/2010
509132 Bridge Design 5/26/2011
500313 Bridge Preservation Program 5/27/2010
509753 Bridge Renovation 5/26/2011
509928 Brookville Service Park 5/27/2010
500500 Burtonsville Access Road 5/26/2011
507658 Bus Stop Improvements 5/26/2011
501105 Cedar Lane Bridge (M0074) 5/27/2010
501115 Century Boulevard 5/26/2011
500719 Chapman Avenue Extended 5/27/2010
500900 Clarksburg Road Bridge No. M-009B 5/27/2010
500709 Colesville Depot 5/27/2010
500904 Dale Drive Sidewalk 5/27/2010
501117 Dedicated but Unmaintained County Roads 5/27/2010
500901 East Gude Drive Westbound Bridge No. M-131-4 5/27/2010
500933 Equipment Maintenance and Operations Center (EMOC) 5/27/2010
509525 Facility Planning: Parking 5/27/2010
509337 Facility Planning-Transportation 5/26/2011
500905 Falls Road East Side Hiker/ Biker Path 5/27/2010
500516 Father Hurley Blvd. Extended 5/26/2011
501206 Flower Avenue Sidewalk 5/26/2011
501118 Frederick Road Bike Path 5/27/2010
501107 Goshen Road South 5/27/2010
500506 Greentree Road Sidewalk 5/27/2010
508113 Guardrail Projects 5/26/2011
500338 Highway Noise Abatement 5/27/2010
507017 Intersection and Spot Improvements 5/26/2011
500718 MacArthur Blvd Bikeway Improvements 5/26/2011
361109 MCPS & M-NCPPC Maintenance Facilities Relocation 5/26/2011
500703 MD 108 Sidewalk 5/26/2011
501104 MD 355 Sidewalk (Hyattstown) 5/27/2010
501110 Metropolitan Branch Trail 5/27/2010
500714 Montgomery Mall Transit Center 5/26/2011
500717 Montrose Parkway East 5/26/2011
500311 Montrose Parkway West 5/26/2011
500401 Nebel Street Extended 5/27/2010
509523 Neighborhood Traffic Calming 5/26/2011
500522 North County Maintenance Depot 5/26/2011
500920 Pedestrian Lighting Participation - MSHA Projects 5/27/2010
500333 Pedestrian Safety Program 5/26/2011
501106 Permanent Patching: Residential/Rural Roads 5/27/2010
508255 Pkg Beth Fac Renovations 5/26/2011
508250 Pkg Sil Spg Fac Renovations 5/26/2011
509709 Pkg Wheaton Fac Renovations 5/26/2011
501200 Platt Ridge Drive Extended 5/26/2011
507310 Public Facilities Roads 5/26/2011
500910 Randolph Road from Rock Creek to Charles Road 5/27/2010
500010 Redland Rd from Crabbs Branch Way - Baederwood La 5/27/2010
500914 Residential and Rural Road Rehabilitation 5/27/2010
500720 Resurfacing Park Roads and Bridge Improvements 5/27/2010
500511 Resurfacing: Residential/Rural Roads 6/22/2011
508527 Resurfacing: Primary/Arterial 5/26/2011
500821 Ride On Bus Fleet 5/26/2011
500600 Shady Grove Access Bike Path 5/27/2010
508182 Sidewalk & Infrastructure Revitalization 5/26/2011
509975 Silver Spring Green Trail 5/27/2010
501004 Silver Spring Lot 16 Parking Garage 5/27/2010
501111 Silver Spring Lot 3 Parking Garage 5/27/2010
508716 Silver Spring Traffic Improvements 5/26/2011
509974 Silver Spring Transit Center 5/26/2011
501109 Snouffer School Road 5/26/2011
501119 Snouffer School Road North (Webb Tract) 5/26/2011
500722 State Transportation Participation 5/26/2011
500700 Street Tree Preservation 5/26/2011
500512 Streetlight Enhancements-CBD/Town Center 5/27/2010
507055 Streetlighting 5/26/2011
501208 Stringtown Road 5/26/2011
508000 Subdivision Roads Participation 5/26/2011
500912 Thompson Road Connection 5/26/2011
500704 Traffic Signal System Modernization 5/27/2010
507154 Traffic Signals 5/26/2011
500534 Transit Park and Ride Lot Renovations 5/27/2010
509036 Transportation Improvements For Schools 5/26/2011
500101 Travilah Road 5/26/2011
501101 Wapakoneta Road Improvements 5/27/2010
501204 White Flint District East: Transportation 5/26/2011
501116 White Flint District West: Transportation 5/26/2011
501202 White Flint Traffic Analysis and Mitigation 5/26/2011
500505 White Ground Road Bridge No. M-138 5/27/2010
500151 Woodfield Road Extended 5/27/2010

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Health and Human Services

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
649187 Child Care in Schools 5/27/2010
641106 Dennis Avenue Health Center 5/26/2011
640902 High School Wellness Center 5/27/2010
640400 School Based Health & Linkages to Learning Centers 5/27/2010

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Culture and Recreation

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
710500 Clarksburg Library 5/27/2010
720601 Cost Sharing: MCG 5/26/2011
710703 Davis Library Renovation 5/26/2011
710300 Gaithersburg Library Renovation 5/27/2010
720918 Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center 5/27/2010
720702 MAC Diving Tower Replacement 5/26/2011
720921 Neighborhood Recreation Center Construction 5/26/2011
720100 North Bethesda Community Recreation Center 5/26/2011
720102 North Potomac Community Recreation Center 5/27/2010
710301 Olney Library Renovation and Addition 5/26/2011
720905 Plum Gar Neighborhood Recreation Center 5/27/2010
710701 Potomac Library Renovation 5/26/2011
729658 Public Arts Trust 5/26/2011
720917 Recreation Facility Modernization 5/27/2010
720919 Ross Boddy Neighborhood Recreation Center 5/26/2011
720916 Scotland Neighborhood Recreation Center 5/27/2010
710302 Silver Spring Library 5/26/2011
720500 Upper County Outdoor Pool Renovation 5/26/2011
720800 Wheaton Community Recreation Center - Rafferty 5/26/2011
361202 Wheaton Library and Community Recreation Center 5/26/2011
720101 White Oak Community Recreation Center 5/26/2011

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Conservation of Natural Resources

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
788911 Ag Land Pres Easements 5/26/2011
809319 Facility Planning: SM 5/27/2010
508180 Facility Planning: Storm Drains 5/26/2011
501108 Henderson Avenue Storm Drain & Roadway Improvement 5/27/2010
501100 Maple Avenue Storm Drain & Roadway Improvements 5/27/2010
807359 Misc Stream Valley Improvements 5/26/2011
509948 Outfall Repairs 5/27/2010
800700 SM Facility Major Structural Repair 5/27/2010
800900 SM Retrofit - Government Facilities 5/27/2010
808726 SM Retrofit: Countywide 5/26/2011
500320 Storm Drain General 5/27/2010
500808 Town of Chevy Chase Storm Drain Improvements 5/27/2010
809342 Watershed Restoration - Interagency 5/27/2010

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Housing and Community Development

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
760100 Affordable Housing Acquisition and Preservation 5/26/2011
760900 Burtonsville Community Revitalization 5/27/2010
767820 CDBG Capital Appropriation 5/27/2010
769375 Facility Planning: HCD 5/26/2011
760500 Fenton Street Village Pedestrian Linkages 5/27/2010
761100 Focused Neighborhood Assistance 5/27/2010
760600 Long Branch Pedestrian Linkages 5/27/2010

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Housing Opportunities Commission

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
809482 HOC Cty Guaranteed Bond Projects 5/27/2010
768047 HOC MPDU/Property Acq Fund 5/27/2010
767511 HOC Opportunity Housing Dev Fund 5/27/2010
097600 Sprinkler Systems for HOC Elderly Properties 5/26/2011
017601 Supplemental Funds for Public Housing Improvements 5/26/2011

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Montgomery County Public Schools

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
796235 ADA Compliance: MCPS 5/27/2010
816695 Asbestos Abatement: MCPS 5/27/2010
126501 B-CC Cluster MS Solution 5/26/2011
116503 Bradley Hills ES Addition 5/27/2010
096500 Brookhaven ES Addition 5/26/2011
076506 Building Modifications and Program Improvements 5/27/2010
116504 Clarksburg Cluster ES (Clarksburg Village Site #1) 5/27/2010
116514 Clarksburg Depot Expansion 5/27/2010
116505 Clarksburg HS Addition 5/27/2010
116506 Clarksburg/Damascus MS (New) 5/27/2010
926575 Current Replacements/Modernizations 5/26/2011
116507 Darnestown ES Addition 5/27/2010
746032 Design and Construction Management 5/27/2010
126502 Downcounty Cons. (Northwood) ES Solution 5/26/2011
086500 East Silver Spring ES Addition 5/27/2010
796222 Energy Conservation: MCPS 5/26/2011
966553 Facility Planning: MCPS 5/27/2010
096501 Fairland ES Addition 5/27/2010
016532 Fire Safety Code Upgrades 5/27/2010
096502 Fox Chapel ES Addition 5/27/2010
886536 Future Replacements/Modernizations 5/26/2011
116508 Georgian Forest ES Addition 5/27/2010
096503 Harmony Hills ES Addition 5/26/2011
816633 HVAC (Mechanical Systems) Replacement: MCPS 5/26/2011
975051 Improved (Safe) Access to Schools 5/27/2010
006503 Indoor Air Quality Improvements: MCPS 5/26/2011
096504 Jackson Road ES Addition 5/26/2011
096505 Montgomery Knolls ES Addition 5/26/2011
126503 Northwest Cluster ES Solution 5/26/2011
016545 Northwood High School 5/27/2010
896586 Planned Life Cycle Asset Repl: MCPS 10/20/2011
086502 Poolesville HS Laboratory Upgrades and Addition 5/27/2010
016519 Redland MS - Improvements 5/27/2010
916587 Rehab/Reno.Of Closed Schools- RROCS 5/27/2010
846540 Relocatable Classrooms 5/26/2011
056501 Restroom Renovations 5/27/2010
116516 Richard Montgomery Cluster ES Solution 5/27/2010
126504 Richard Montgomery Cluster MS Solution 5/26/2011
016520 Ridgeview MS - Improvements 5/27/2010
096506 Rock View ES Addition 5/26/2011
766995 Roof Replacement: MCPS 5/27/2010
886550 School Gymnasiums 5/27/2010
926557 School Security Systems 5/27/2010
026503 Seven Locks ES Addition/Modernization 5/27/2010
116515 Shady Grove Depot Replacement 5/27/2010
096507 Sherwood ES Addition 5/27/2010
116509 Somerset ES Addition 5/27/2010
956550 Stormwater Discharge & Water Quality Mgmt: MCPS 5/27/2010
036510 Technology Modernization 5/26/2011
116510 Viers Mill ES Addition 5/27/2010
116511 Waters Landing ES Addition 5/27/2010
116512 Westbrook ES Addition 5/27/2010
096508 Whetstone ES Addition 5/27/2010
056503 William B. Gibbs, Jr. ES (Clarksburg #8) 5/27/2010
126500 WSSC Compliance 5/26/2011
116513 Wyngate ES Addition 5/27/2010

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Montgomery College

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
936660 ADA Compliance: College 5/27/2010
056603 Bioscience Education Center 5/26/2011
096600 Capital Renewal: College 5/26/2011
056601 Commons Renovation 5/26/2011
046602 Computer Science Alterations 5/27/2010
056608 Elevator Modernization: College 5/26/2011
816611 Energy Conservation: College 5/27/2010
886686 Facility Planning: College 5/27/2010
956645 Germantown Child Care Center 5/27/2010


 Germantown Goldenrod Building Acquisition 


096604 Observation Drive Reconstruction 5/27/2010
096607 Germantown Science & Technology Pk. Infrastructure 5/27/2010
076612 Germantown Student Services Center 5/26/2011
096603 Health Sciences Expansion 5/27/2010
856509 Information Technology: College 5/26/2011
096601 Instructional Furniture and Equipment: College 5/27/2010
036603 Macklin Tower Alterations 5/27/2010
076619 Network Infrastructure and Support Systems 5/26/2011
076618 Network Operating Center 5/26/2011
926659 Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: College 5/27/2010
906605 Planning, Design & Construction 5/27/2010
096602 Rockville Parking Lot and Tennis Court Relocation 5/27/2010
036600 Rockville Science Center 5/27/2010
076604 Rockville Student Services Center 5/26/2011
876664 Roof Replacement: College 5/27/2010
076623 Science East Building Renovation 5/26/2011
076622 Science West Building Renovation 5/26/2011
076601 Site Improvements: College 5/26/2011
076617 Student Learning Support Systems 5/27/2010
076607 Takoma Park/Silver Spring Math & Science Center 5/26/2011
096606 TP/SS West Campus Garage - Phase 2 5/26/2011

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Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
767828 Acquisition: Local Parks 5/26/2011
998798 Acquisition: Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
128701 ADA Compliance: Local Parks 5/26/2011
128702 ADA Compliance: Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
727007 ALARF: M-NCPPC 5/27/2010
008720 Ballfield Initiatives 5/26/2011
118701 Battery Lane Urban Park 5/27/2010
058701 Black Hill Trail Renovation and Extension 5/27/2010
078702 Brookside Gardens Master Plan Implementation 5/27/2010
977748 Cost Sharing: Local Parks 5/26/2011
761682 Cost Sharing: Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
098704 Darnestown Square Heritage Park 5/27/2010
058703 East Norbeck Local Park Expansion 5/26/2011
998710 Energy Conservation - Local Parks 5/26/2011
998711 Energy Conservation - Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
998773 Enterprise Facilities' Improvements 5/26/2011
098702 Evans Parkway Neighborhood Park 5/27/2010
957775 Facility Planning: Local Parks 5/26/2011
958776 Facility Planning: Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
098705 Falls Road Local Park 5/27/2010
078704 Germantown Town Center Urban Park 5/26/2011
078705 Greenbriar Local Park 5/26/2011
098708 Lake Needwood Modifications 5/27/2010
038703 Laytonia Recreational Park 5/26/2011
018710 Legacy Open Space 5/26/2011
098706 Magruder Branch Trail Extension 5/27/2010
998799 Minor New Construction - Local Parks 5/26/2011
998763 Minor New Construction - Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
038707 Montrose Trail 5/27/2010
078706 North Four Corners Local Park 5/26/2011
118704 Northwest Branch Recreational Park-Athletic Area 5/27/2010
967754 Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: Local Parks 5/26/2011
968755 Planned Lifecycle Asset Replacement: NL Parks 5/26/2011
078701 Pollution Prevention and Repairs to Ponds & Lakes 5/26/2011
808494 Restoration Of Historic Structures 5/26/2011
998714 Resurfacing Parking Lots & Paths: Local Parks 5/26/2011
998764 Resurfacing Parking Lots & Paths: Non-Local Parks 5/26/2011
118702 Rock Creek Maintenance Facility 5/27/2010
098701 Rock Creek Sewer System Improvements 5/27/2010
048703 Rock Creek Trail Pedestrian Bridge 5/26/2011
827738 Roof Replacement: Local Parks 5/26/2011
838882 Roof Replacement: Non-Local Pk 5/26/2011
048701 SilverPlace/MRO Headquarters Mixed-Use Project 5/27/2010
058755 Small Grant/Donor-Assisted Capital Improvements 5/26/2011
818571 Stream Protection: SVP 5/26/2011
078707 Takoma-Piney Branch Local Park 5/27/2010
768673 Trails: Hard Surface Design & Construction 5/26/2011
888754 Trails: Hard Surface Renovation 5/26/2011
858710 Trails: Natural Surface Design, Constr. & Renov. 5/26/2011
118703 Warner Circle Special Park 5/26/2011
078708 Wheaton Tennis Bubble Renovation 5/26/2011
098703 Woodlawn Barn Visitors Center 5/26/2011
018712 Woodstock Equestrian Center 5/26/2011

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Revenue Authority

Project # Project Name Date Last Modified
967432 Falls Road G.C. Improvements 5/27/2010
003901 Germantown Indoor Swim Center 5/26/2011
703909 Montgomery County Airpark 5/27/2010
113900 Needwood Golf Course 5/27/2010
113901 Northwest Golf Course 5/27/2010
997458 Poolesville Golf Course 5/27/2010
017400 Rattlewood Golf Course 5/27/2010

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Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission

Project #
Project Name
Date Last Modified

For a list of adopted FY12-17 WSSC projects, please visit WSSC's website at:

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