Public Hearing Access and Exhibits
Date: Thursday and Friday, October 3rd and 4th, 2024 9:30a.m.
Hearing: CU 24-13, Terra Energy, LLC
Exhibit 1. Conditional Use Application
Exhibit 2. MNCPPC Checklist
Exhibit 3. Applicant's Statement of Justification
Exhibit 4. Certified Zoning Map
Exhibit 5. Notice List
Exhibit 6. Traffic Study
Exhibit 7. Existing Conditions Plan
Exhibit 8. Proposed Site Exhibit
Exhibit 9. Electrical Infrastructure Connection Points
Exhibit 10. BESS Installation Exhibits
Exhibit 11. BESS Prototype Exhibit
Exhibit 12. Preliminary Site Area New Parcel
Exhibit 13. SWM Concept Exhibit
Exhibit 14. SWM Narrative
Exhibit 15. Warranty Deed
Exhibit 16. Images of Data Centers
Exhibit 17. Letter from DPS
Exhibit 18. Road Layout
Exhibit 19. Water and Sewer Memo
Exhibit 20. Wetland Delineation Report
a. Report 1
b. Report 2
Exhibit 21. Applicant's Acceptance for the Requirements of the Posting of Signs
Exhibit 22. Notice of Hearing
Exhibit 23. Email Exchanges between Staff, Katy Byrne and Applicant’s Attorney ; Re: Rescheduling Public Hearing
Exhibit 24. Order Granting Indefinite Postponement
Exhibit 25.Notice of Hearing
Exhibit 26. Applicant's PreHearing Statement
Exhibit 27. Transmittal Letter
Exhibit 28. Staff Report
a. Attachment A
b. Attachments B through F
Exhibit 29. Notice of Intent to provide comment on behalf of the Montgomery Countryside Alliance and Sugarloaf Citizens Association.
Meeting Details
To Appear in Person: Go to the Davidson Memorial Hearing Room adjacent to OZAH office, Room 200, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
To appear via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 854 7540 2245
Passcode: 679842