Public Hearing Access and Exhibits
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024, 9:30a.m.
Hearing: H-154, Arcland Property Company (Parklawn Self Storage)
LMA H-154, Steven Robins and Elizabeth Rogers, counsel for the applicant,Arcland Property Company (Parklawn Self Storage), request a rezoning from the EOF-0.75, H-100’ Zone to the IL-1.0, H-50’ Zone.The subject property is located at 11900 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20852, also known as Lot 6 in the North Bethesda Industrial Center Subdivision, Plat 9530 (Tax Account 04-000056433).
Filed: July 23, 2024
Exhibit 1 - LMA Application
(a) Financial Disclosure Statements
Exhibit 2 - LMA Checklist from Planning
Exhibit 3 - Letter of Authorization
Exhibit 4 - Land Use Report (replaced by Ex. 17)
Exhibit 5 - Notice List
Exhibit 6 - Certified Zoning Map
Exhibit 7 - Identification Plat
Exhibit 8 - Existing Conditions Plan
Exhibit 9 - Floating Zone Plan (replaced by Ex. 18)
Exhibit 10 - Architectural Plan (replaced by Ex. 19)
Exhibit 11 - Circulation Plan (replaced by Ex. 20)
Exhibit 12 - NRI/FSD
Exhibit 13 - Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan
Exhibit 14 - Preliminary Forest Conservation Plan (replaced by Ex. 21)
Exhibit 15 - Traffic Statement (Traffic Study Exemption Statement) (replaced by Ex. 22)
Exhibit 16 - Applicant Response to Planning Comments. Submitted 09/03/24
Exhibit 17 - Amended Land Use Report (replaces Ex. 4). 09/03/24
Exhibit 18 - Amended Floating Zone Plan (replaces Ex. 9). 09/03/24
Exhibit 19 - Amended Architectural Plans (replaces Ex. 10). 09/03/24
Exhibit 20 - Amended Circulation Plan (replaces Ex. 11). 09/03/24
Exhibit 21 - Amended PFCP (replaces Ex. 14). 09/03/24
Exhibit 22 - Amended Traffic Statement (replaces Ex. 15). 09/03/24
Exhibit 23 - Drainage Study. Submitted 09/03/24
Exhibit 24 - Sight Distance Evaluation. Submitted 09/03/24
Exhibit 25 - Fire Access Plan, Submitted 09/03/24
Exhibit 26 - Concept Landscape Plan. Submitted 09/03/24
Exhibit 27 - Notice of Public Hearing on 11/21/24. Mailed 10/07/24
Meeting Details
To Appear in Person: Go to the Davidson Memorial Hearing Room adjacent to OZAH office, Room 200, Council Office Building, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850
To appear via Zoom: (Insert Zoom information for this meeting). Waiting on License issue resolution.