Parents and Providers
General Support
The current COVID-19 crisis can be especially stressful for children. Their routines have changed and that can add anxiety onto an already stressful period. These links below provide information and tools to let children – and their parents – know that we will get through this together.
- CDC Helping Children Cope with a Disaster
- National Association of School Psychologists COVID-19 Resource Center
- Talking with Kids about COVID-19 (PDF)
- Child Mind Institute Resources on Supporting Families During COVID-19
- Tips for Caregivers on Media Coverage of Upsetting Events (PDF)
- The Ultimate Change in Routine: Supporting Your Child with Autism Through COVID-19
- Live Science Article
- Helping Children and Teens Cope with Anxiety about COVID-19
- BTheOne – a website with information on teen suicide and substance abuse prevention
Additional Resources
- Digital Library Cards are available from Montgomery County Public Libraries. Check out digital e-books and other online services.
- See Montgomery County Public Schools for their status, learning plans, activities and resources, and more.