This project includes the extension and construction of an asphalt shared use path along with concrete sidewalks, curb and gutter, ramps, and a stairwell. There will be full depth roadway construction along with the resurfacing of the existing pavement. The project also includes grading, drainage, and installation of storm drainage structures. A new two span through girder bridge with a micropile pier approximately 200 feet long will be constructed over US 29 (Georgia Avenue). There will be extensive, mutli-stage maintenance of traffic within this corridor along with the implementation of signing, lighting and luminaires, landscaping and fencing.
Rendering: View From North
Rendering: View From South
Rendering: View From Northwest
MBT_from Existing Pedestrian Bridge
MBT_Georgia Avenue West Stairway
MBT_Philadelphia Avenue
MBT_Sligo Avenue
Work to commence on Metropolitan Branch Trail project starting March 13, 2024. There will be a lane closure southbound on Georgia Avenue in the outer lane with intermittent lane closures between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.
Over the next several weeks, the following operations will take place on Georgia Avenue and along the proposed shared-use path route.
Over the upcoming two weeks, the following operations will be ongoing:
Over the past two weeks ending 12/31/2024:
Montgomery County Department of Transportation Division of Transportation Engineering 100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Michelle Haley - Area Engineer Phone: 240-278-2292
Tom Kidwell - Construction Representative Phone: 240-876-7978