The Martin Steet shared-use path project provides a 1,150-foot long, 10-foot-wide paved pathway through a mature wooded area, connecting Arcola Avenue to Henderson Avenue in Silver Spring. This path will include 2-foot-wide buffers on either side and two local street crossings. Stormwater improvements such as rain gardens, educational stations regarding native trees and plants, and lighting will be determined by the landscape evaluation. The connectivity, access to natural amenities and related improvements will provide quality of life enhancements for County residents.
The budget for this project can be viewed here .
A hybrid (in-person and online) public information meeting was held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, to share the project scope, schedule, and costs, obtain community input, and answer questions. Public input is very important and contributes to the success of any public infrastructure project, as it allows the County to understand the community's concerns.
Please provide us with your valuable comments by Wednesday, October 8, 2024, at 6 p.m., via the following:
Cameron McAllister Sr. Planning Specialist | Capital Bikeshare Program Manager Montgomery County Department of Transportation Planning and Design Section 100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878 Phone: 202-577-8893