Safety Section

Assistant Chief Adam Jones
Safety & Supply Chief
240-773-0642 Office
301-840-6150 Fax
[email protected]

The MCFRS Safety Section is responsible for the safety and welfare of the personnel in the Department. The Safety & Supply Chief is the Section Health & Safety Officer and is responsible for the management and oversight of the Safety management plan and program. Additionally the Safety & Supply Chief responds to fire, rescue and EMS incidents.



The purpose of this health and safety statement is to develop a high standard of wellness throughout all aspects of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service and to ensure that we minimize the risks associated with work that under varying conditions may be hazardous or unsanitary.

We believe that each person has the right to derive personal satisfaction from their position, and the prevention of occupational injury or illness is of such consequence to this belief that it will be given top priority at all times.

Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service will initiate and maintain complete accident prevention and wellness training programs. Each individual from top management to firefighter/rescuer is responsible for the wellness and health of those persons under their supervision and the personnel with whom they interact. By accepting mutual responsibility to operate safely, we will all contribute to the well being of everyone in our Organization.


MCFRS Safety Office - 240-777-2247