About Immigration Legal Services

There are two types of immigration legal service providers:

1)  Nonprofit Organizations
Nonprofit organizations provide free or low-cost services to low-income immigrants. They may only be able to take a limited number of new cases, and each organization has their own procedures for taking new cases. Many only handle certain types of humanitarian cases (for example: asylum, domestic violence, human trafficking, victims of abuse, etc.). See our Immigration Legal Services page to search for nonprofit organizations that serve Montgomery County residents, or click here to search for organizations nationwide.  If you are not low-income and/or do not have a humanitarian case, you will likely have to hire a private attorney and pay for legal representation (see below). 
2)  Private Immigration Attorneys
Private attorneys charge fees for their services. Some may agree to represent certain clients pro bono (free of cost), but generally, clients must pay for representation. Be aware of fraud. “Notarios” are NOT attorneys!  Click here for information on how to find a private immigration attorney.  To report immigration fraud, contact the   Montgomery County’s Office on Consumer Protection at (240) 777-3636. You can also contact  Ayuda's Project END, which helps victims of immigration legal services fraud.