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Job Access Project - 2002 NACo Achievement Award Winner

The Montgomery County Maryland Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions - Geographic Information Systems (TEBS-GIS) team, in cooperation with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), developed an ArcView GIS based Job Access application to provide the HHS welfare recipients with useful commuting routes combined with licensed child care location information and to improve HHS customer service efficiency. This project is called the Job Access Project. The primary customers for the Job Access application are current or former welfare recipients attempting to locate licensed child care on the route between work and home. The child care location data for this application includes information for over 1,260 licensed child care facilities in Montgomery County including group daycare and the family home daycare. The routing function of the Network Analyst extension of the ArcView GIS generates the customer's driving route between the work location and the home. The application also provides links to public transportation website for obtaining bus schedule, fare and route maps. The child care provider data presented in the Job Access Project application reflects information downloaded weekly by a TEBS-GIS staff member.