Committee Against Hate/Violence
The duties of the Hate/Violence Committee are to develop and distribute information about hate/violence, promote educational activities that demonstrate the positive value of ethnic and social diversity; advise the County Council, the County Executive, and County agencies about hate/violence in the County, and recommend such policies, programs, legislation, or regulations as it finds necessary to reduce the incidences of acts of hate/violence.
Committee Against Hate Violence Meeting Dates
COHV meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month. The meetings generally commence at 7:00 p.m. and adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Committee members are sent an agenda along with the minutes from the prior month's meeting. In addition to the monthly meeting a retreat is held each year.
Officers and Membership of the Montgomery County Committee Against Hate Violence
Lisa Taylor, Chair
Craig Simon, Vice Chair
Femi Richards
Maria Herrera
Pablo Blank
Sanjeet Sam Dey
Stephanie Troyer
Non-Voting Members
S. A. Flynn, Montgomery County Police Department
Sharon Bland, Montgomery College
Anica Perez, Montgomery County Public Schools
James L. Stowe, Montgomery County Office of Human Rights
Kenneth Kellner, Esq., Human Rights Commission Representative
Harrieta Shangarai, Office of Community Engagement
Kate Chance
Staff Support
Anis Ahmed, Montgomery County Office of Human Rights
Loretta Garcia, Montgomery County Office of Human Rights
Archive News Articles and Statements

Again we are stunned and outraged at the continuing horrific acts of hate, violence and bigotry thrust upon the victims and members of our nation’s communities, this time in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia. Our condolences and prayers go out to the families and loved ones of the deceased and injured participants and first responders.
Montgomery County stands in solidarity with the Charlottesville community and condemns this senseless attack and inexcusable display of hatred by white supremacist groups. This is a time to unite in healing and we decry hateful attempts to divide our communities. See Full Statement .

We the staff of the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights encourage all Marylanders to join us in fighting hate, unlawful discrimination, violence, and extremism in all of its forms. Whether through participating in a program offered by MCCR, or connecting with local efforts which promote acceptance and respect, or simply by seeking to build relationships with those of different religious, racial, and other backgrounds, each of us can do something positive and meaningful toward creating a more just and balanced community. Additionally, we have to directly repudiate hate, bigotry, racism, and anti-Semitism at every turn and no matter its origins.
The vision of the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights is to have a state that is free from any trace of unlawful discrimination. We can only realize this vision by working together with all Marylanders who share in it.

Representatives from 19 countries — including Paraguay, India, Tanzania and the Czech Republic — heard from county leaders on the shared problems of dealing with human trafficking, including detecting trafficking operation rings and how to assist trafficking victims. Read More
Attorney General Lynch’s Video Statement on Hate Crimes
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch released a video statement today on the FBI’s newly announced 2015 Hate Crime Statistics as well as on recent media reports of alleged hate crimes and harassment around the country. The statement reminds individuals to report these incidents to both local law enforcement and the Justice Department in order to ensure that career investigators and prosecutors are able to enforce hate crime statutes at the local, state and federal level. See video here .
Brian Frosh, Maryland Attorney General Launches Hate Crime Hotline
After increased reports of hate speech in the state, Maryland's Attorney General Brian Frosh on Thursday launched a hotline for victims to report the crimes. Frosh said in a statement that "Maryland is not immune" to a national "outbreak" of hate incidents targeting racial minorities, Muslims, Jews, immigrants and LGBT people. The state's top law enforcement officer encouraged victims to report it to local law enforcement, and said calls made to his office on the hotline (1-866-481-8361) would be referred to local officials. Frosh on Monday said there was an "upwelling" in reports of intolerant conduct and he wanted to reiterate such incidents can be criminal. Read more .

Chief Tom Manger-Message on Hate Incidents
Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger has a message to the community regarding hate incidents.
To watch video

Bullying Awareness Guidebook is produced by the Accredited Schools Online: This guide brings awareness to numerous types of bullying and who may be targeted, while also providing guidance to students, parents, educators and school professionals on how to prevent and stop this debilitating public aggression. Special attention is given to cyberbullying, an ever-growing issue for today’s generation.

Open Letter to the People of Charleston, South Carolina