People building a better government - just, human, liberating.

About Us: The Innovation Team
We support our colleagues across Montgomery County government to more deeply understand challenges and redesign how government serves people.
How might we build a more human government? We believe in the people of local government improving their own processes and systems to better serve our County. We exist to enable their success. We serve as a resource and advocate for people making things better: effective, efficient, and equitable. We seek a government more liberating, just, and human.
We currently act in three areas – be an Accelerator, lead civic design, and open innovation.
We adapt tools from human centered design, process improvement, and behavioral science to public service and we support individuals, teams, and the organization as they adopt those tools to deliver better for Montgomery County. We follow a ‘bright spots’ theory of change to lift up leaders throughout the organization and provide them with enabling structure to make things better.
Our current portfolio focuses on hands on rapid improvement to internal processes, experiential learning, and building culture through communities of action. Innovation Accelerator Courses guide cohorts of local government workers through a structured problem-solving process to make small improvements a reality. Deeper engagements with departments enable them to tackle bigger problems as we hand them the right tool at the right time and facilitate their success.
We work agilely across departments. From Procurement to Recreation, we are never the experts in what they do but always the co-creators in helping them do it better.
In a larger sense, we’re exploring the future of local government organizations. We exist to accelerate the evolution of government and enable people and teams to become more collaborative, inventive, and helpful.