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Police Accountability Board discussion with CM Jawando and Lee Holland.
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Our Purpose

The Police Accountability Board - Administrative Charging Committee was established by Montgomery County Code Section 35-23 .

The PAB - ACC Committee must:

  • Work with law enforcement agencies to review, provide policy advice and report on disciplinary matters stemming from public complaints about police misconduct.
  • Hold quarterly meetings with the directors of one or more law enforcement agencies operating in the County who employ one or more police officers
  • Appoint civilian members to the ACC and trial boards
  • Receive complaints of police misconduct filed by a member of the public
  • Review the outcomes of disciplinary matters considered by the ACC on a quarterly basis
  • Advise the County Executive and Council on policing matters and
  • Refer each complaint of police misconduct filed with the PAB to the appropriate law enforcement agency within 3 days after receipt for investigation.