Employment & Enrichment

Senior employment with elderly man with arm around other co-worker.

Whether you want to find employment, a great volunteer role, or enrichment opportunities –  Montgomery  County has lots of options and resources.

On this page

The Vital Living Network's Guide to Lifelong Learning Opportunities In Montgomery County for Older Adults is also a good resource to learn about employment opportunities.

Employment and Job Search Support

Name Description
WorkSource Montgomery American Job Centers
  • Provide a variety of employment and support resources to assist job seekers.
  • Call 301-929-6880 (Wheaton) or 240-406-5485 (Germantown).
Senior Community Service Employment Program
  •  The JCA Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides on-the-job training for low-income men and women age 55 and older who live in Montgomery and Frederick counties, Maryland.
  • Trainees receive minimum wage while working at charities and government agencies to build their skills and resumes while delivering valuable community service.
  • Call 240-395-0918.
Virtual 50+ Employment Expos
  • Thousands of mid-life and older jobseekers network with area employers and community resource organizations, learn new job-search skills, and hear from area employers who hire people age 50 or better.
  • ALL age 50+ jobseekers may attend the FREE  Virtual 50+ Employment Expos.
  • All must register at  virtualexpos.accessjca.org
  • Employers with at least three different positions may also register at  virtualexpos.accessjca.org. Registration is complimentary.
Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL)
  • Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) offers career resources.
  • Visit online or call 240-777-0035.
The Career Gateway
  • The JCA Career Gateway program includes intensive training, take-home materials, a long-term mentor, and individual attention for computer-savvy jobseekers age 50 or older, for a modest fee.
  • Call 301-255-4215 or visit online.
Legacy Leadership Institute on Public Policy
  • Sponsored by the University of Maryland, connects residents 50 and older who are interested in seeking new careers or have an interest in learning about Maryland legislative operations.
Older Workers are Here to Stay
  • This online guidebook by JCA and Washington Jewish Week provides tips and techniques for landing a job. 


Name Description
Montgomery College Lifelong Learning Institute
Montgomery County Public Libraries
  • Montgomery County Public Libraries offers free online courses in software, technology, creative, business skills, web design, photo editing, test preparation, job search, grant writing, creative writing, and much more.
  • Visit the Public Library's resources web page for more information
Golden ID Program, University of Maryland, College Park
  • Offers classes to residents age 60 and older who are retired, work 20 hours a week or less, and are not seeking a degree.
  • Golden ID students are not charged tuition, but do pay a partial, part-time undergraduate student fee.
  • They can enroll for up to three tuition-free college classes on a space-available basis.
Encore (formerly Senior Leadership Montgomery)
  • Senior Leadership Montgomery is an eight-month program of Leadership Montgomery for newly retired adults, or those considering retirement, who want to learn more about Montgomery County and available volunteer opportunities.
  • If you have additional questions, call Alison Levingston at 301-881-3333.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Johns Hopkins University 
Adult Living and Learning Seminars
Live & Learn Bethesda
  • This is a non-profit organization offering enrichment classes to adults of all ages.
  • Visit the Live & Learn Bethesda website or call 301-740-6150.
Women's Connection DC (formerly Transition Network, Washington DC)
  • Capital Area Chapter provides a unique array of events and activities tailored to meet the needs and interests of women age 50 and older.
Washington Metropolitan OASIS
  • Offers classes, volunteer opportunities and more for adults age 50 and older. Call 240-800-3745 for more information.