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Council Sessions
Sessions of the County Council
Key terms: council, session, meeting, katz, stewart, jawando, albornoz, balcombe, fani-gonzalez, friedson, glass, luedtke, mink, sayles, legislation, bill, budget -
Council Committee Sessions
County Council Committee Meetings
Key terms: council, session, meeting, katz, stewart, jawando, albornoz, balcombe, fani-gonzalez, friedson, glass, luedtke, mink, sayles, legislation, bill, budget -
One on One
One on one interviews with the County Executive
Key terms: county, executive, isiah, leggett, lorna, virgili, interview, answers, questions -
County Report This Week
News and Information from around Montgomery County
Key terms: council, county, montgomery, MoCo, news, information, people, interviews, events, coverage, sports, mcps, montgomery college, executive, departments, newsmagazine, lorna, virgili, sonya, burke -
Council In Brief
Five minute brief of Council activity
Key terms: council, session, meeting, council, session, meeting, katz, stewart, jawando, albornoz, balcombe, fani-gonzalez, friedson, glass, luedtke, mink, sayles, legislation, bill, budget, budget -
Consumer Alert
Information protecting residents from fraud and scams.
Key words: consumer, alert, compass, residents, protections, office of consumer protection, ocp, eric, friedman, cathy, grubman, fraud, towing, taxes, scam, help, refund, work, contractor -
Interviews and information relevant to African Americans and other residents.
Key terms: mosaic, deborah, milo, african, american, afro, civil rights, diversity, heritage, diaspora, notable, rights -
My Green Montgomery
Information about environmental concerns and conditions in Montgomery County.
Key terms: environment, epa, protection, green, trash, water, pollution, clean, cleaning, tree, grass, bush, forest, reserve, environmental -
Make a Difference
Interviews and information about voluteering in Montgomery County
Key terms: volunteer, volunteers, volunteerism, help, give, serve, service, community, organization, not-for-profit, nonprofit. -
50+ in Montgomery County
News and information of interest to residents 50+ and their families
Key terms: senior, seniors, education, hospice, health, healthcare, finance, money, fraud, scams, protection, technology, eldery, care, activity, organizations, Austin, Heyman, Amy, Harbison, -
Paths to the Present
A look at the rich history and culture of Montgomery County
Key terms: history, look, historical, museum, culture, people, places, things, buildings, figure, community, communities, family, families, Barbara, Grunbaum -
No Boundaries
Interviews with political and civic leaders from in and around Montgomery County
Key terms: politics, public affairs, leader, figure, interview, talk, background, civic, insight, floreen, navarro, rice, riemer, katz, hucker, leventhal, elrich, berliner -
In the Loop
In-depth interviews with Councilmembers
Key terms: interviews, council, councilmembers, background, history, insights, leader, leaders, floreen, navarro, rice, riemer, katz, hucker, leventhal, elrich, berliner, biography, neil, greenberger, sonya, healy, profile -
The Bottom Line
Shares stories of the challenges, successes, situations, places and people that make Montgomery County great.
people, icons, business, susan, kenedy, interviews, news, info, information, magazine, feature, features, story, stories, success, award -
Cápsula Informativa del Condado de Montgomery
Spanish language program providing news and information about Montgomery County
Key terms: crtw, spanish, language, latino, hispanic, news, inforamtion, lorna, virgili -
Made in Montgomery
Profiles businesses and the people that make them successful
Key terms: business, people, owner, ceo, founder, entrepreneur, biz, economy, economic, start up, store, sell, sale, susan, kenedy, success, money, profit, earn, earning -
Special Events
This page shares public events, press conferences, forums and other special events.
Key terms: executive, county, public, information, marc, elrich press, event, events, hall, forum, budget, concert, celebration, king, day, veteran, vet -
Parks Rec 'N Roll
News and information about fun, family friendly activities and locations in and around Montgomery County, MD.
Key terms: fun, kid, kids, child, children, teen, teens, family, families, skating, skateboarding, bike, biking, hike, hiking, park, parks, rec, recreation, department, of, free, water, pool, swim, swimming, ride, riding, rides, Cathy, Grubman, trail, mountain, lake, river, rafting, raft, Cathy, Grubman -
Did You Know
Exploring interesting and often little known facts about Montgomery County, MD
Key terms: did, fact, law, rule, place, museum, street, person, who, what, when, where, organization, business, individual, people, community, giving, help, Cathy, Grubman -
Healthy Montgomery
Shares information on wellness and healthy living.
Key terms: health, wellness, fit, fitness, sick, sickness, diet, exercise, idea, ideas, programs, education -
Hidden Treasures
Reveals little known gems about Montgomery County, its residents, organizations and resources.
Key terms: rare, site, sites, business, place, places, people, talent, gift, object, museum -
Montgomery County Police Beat
Discusses current issiues with Montgomery County Police Chief Tom Manger.
Key terms: public, safety, police, protect, law, enforcement, officer, body, camera, cams, lacefield, patrick, interview, public, information, office -
Montgomery Al Dia
Includes interviews, news, PSAs, and public call-ins, County government departments, County Council, and other County agencies will collaborate to bring guests, news, and information to the County’s fast growing Hispanic community.
news, info, information, head, guest, guests, government, latino, hispanic, spanish, language, radio, interview, live, lorna, virgili, public, information, office -
Plan-it Montgomery
Explores the development of Montgomery County through examinations of the people and processes responsible for the decisions made.
Key terms: plan, plans, planning, department, urban, development, projects, roads, buildings, floreen, future, maps, barbara, grumbaum -
Montgomery Re-imagined
Demonstrates how leaders, government officials and community residents use innovative ideas and strategies to respond to the needs of area residents and help improve life for the community
Key terms: innovation, work, works, system, strategy, department, agency, official, quality, resident, susan, kenedy -
The Montgomery County Council honors individuals, residents, movements, groups and organizations worthy of acknowledgement.
Key terms: honor, award, proclamation, month, day, sport, humanitarian, floreen, navarro, rice, riemer, katz, hucker, leventhal, elrich, berliner, presentation, appointment -
Somos Montgomery
Focuses on issues and stories relevant to Hispanics in Montgomery.
Key terms: vibrant, stories, story, education, business, civic, people, person, spanish, language, news, info, information -
What's Brewing with Bruen
Michael Bruen learns about new things happening in Montgomery County, MD.
Key terms: diner, beer, coffee, drink, goings, on -
Town Hall Meetings
See your elected officials in action in a community near you.
Key terms: regular, town, hall, style, meeting, residents, converse, feedback, testify, input, open, government, officials, leggett, floreen, navarro, rice, riemer, katz, hucker, leventhal, elrich, berliner -
Animals Matter
In Animals Matter we visit with some of Montgomery County's animal residents to learn who they are and how they enrich our lives.
Key terms: cat, dog, puppy, kitten, horse, chicken, hen, animal, pet, canine, friend, swim, play, activity, adopt, buy, care, susan, kenedy -
Check Us Out
Check Us Out is an exciting look at Montgomery County's libraries available for county residents to use.
Key terms: library, parker, hamilton, book, books, magazine, newspaper, digital, new, building, read, reading, education, future -
Home Front
Gives residents an inside look at the lives of Montgomery County Veterans and their families and the services the County is trying to make available to them.
Key terms: vet, vets, veterans, war, soldier, retired, service, county, family, recovery, amenity, benefit, benefits, life, lives -
En Sintonia
En Sintonía TV is the televised version of Montgomery County Council's show on Radio America 1540 AM, En Sintonía con el Concejo.
Key terms: spanish, language, latino, Hispanic, radio, news, interview, information, julie, rios little -
A Closer Look
A Closer Look is a new series that takes an introspective view of County issues.
Key terms: mental health, heroin, opiates, crime, news, interview, information, Susan, Kenedy -
Council Wrap Up
Council Wrap Up takes a look back at the news of the Montgomery County Council a month at a time.
Key terms: Montgomery, County, Council, news, interview, information, Susan, Kenedy -
Montgomery Arts Infusion
Montgomery Arts Infusion provides insight on the entertainment and arts in Montgomery County, and looks at the stories of the people behind the thriving arts community.
Key terms: Montgomery, County, arts, music, dance, culture, theater, entertainment -
Young Montgomery
Estefany Orellana and Daniel Menendez host Young Montgomery, a 30-minute show designed to highlight and engage the County’s youth population.
Key terms: Estefany Orellana, Daniel Menendez, youth, teen, lifestyle, high school, Montgomery County