Clarksburg Citizens and Business Advisory Group
Monthly Meeting
February 19, 2002
Bina Allgood, Mark Bonanno, Carl Crawford, Robert Green, Nancy Hislop, Cathy Jewell, Suzy Malagari , Loretta McClintock, Phyllis Morrongullo, Teresa Noone, Bill Novak, Tom Odt, Terry Reister, Guy Ruffner, Bruce Sherman, Brent Simmons, Linda Snedden, Rick Tegethoff, John Williams
Due to the good weather conditions, a lot has been accomplished with the landscaping
Security cameras are being installed
Perimeter signage (including Kingsley Wilderness) has been installed
Officer stations are being installed with butcher block material.
Security equipment to be tied into the Officer stations are on site, pending installation.
Camera devices are being installed.
Hardware throughout the facility is being installed.
The Administration area has the carpeting installed and ceilings completed. The finish paint is complete and the rubber coat base is in.
HVAC testing and balancing is being performed.
The plaster is being finished and the ceiling are being paneled in the Housing Units.
There is a lot of focus on security; the fire alarm and sprinkler systems are getting ready for final commissioning.
Emergency power systems are being finalized.
With any complex construction there are always problems that the contractor may overlook or compromise on. Bill assured the group that all contractor work and materials used are assessed to make sure that there are no compromises. Good quality control should not delay the construction schedule. Rob commented that nothing can be taken for granted, especially when it comes to the emergency generator.
Tom mentioned the push with the finish contractors discussed at the last meeting. There is still a push with all the finish contractors to complete the project in a timely manner. Because there are so many different areas of the facility with so many different types of construction, the sequencing of the tradesmen is difficult.
Rob reported that the Council has approved the additional funds needed to complete the MCCF project as of last week.
As of 7 a.m. this morning a Security Staff of nine Officers started at the construction site working 24/7 (three people per shift) Because of the security systems and because of having more expensive equipment on the site, it was determined that the site needed 24 hour security.
Every public safety group that has interaction with Corrections has toured the facility. They are taking a great interest in the building. A CBAG group tour was voted on for our April meeting.
There are 146 cameras on the entire project. There are approximately 30 cameras on the exterior. The cameras are configured for the touch screen security system in Central Control where any area camera touched can be brought up to view. There are three 20 inch call-up monitors divided into quadrants which are constantly moving, sequenced to the officer's needs. There are 28 cameras that have the ability to record up to a year's worth of information.
Phil McLaughlin (County Transit ) has not requested a meeting concerning where route pick-up and drop-off areas would be at MCCF. The Transition Team will contact him before the next meeting.
Kingsley Wilderness School
Rob announced that the split rail fence is ready to be installed with inmate labor (Alternative Community Services, ACS). It was determined that no digging could take place until going before the Historic Preservation Commission. After notifying the HPC, it was decided that they had already completed the archeological study of that area, therefore allowing us to begin digging. We have to provide in writing where the fence will go and the distances. Once formally approved by the HPC, the work can begin. Anticipated completion is approximately one month. It was determined that a three-rail fence would be installed because it would be more durable, with minimal cost impact.
Community Notification
After several meetings with the Community Notification Workgroup, Guy reported that the community wants a siren. The Department of Corrections and the Police Department have no objection to the siren. Art will take this information to Mr. Duncan for final approval. At that time the siren will go out for bid (approximate cost is between $35,000 and $50,000).
Research is also continuing on a Reverse 911 system (Dialogic technology). This system would call residents in a set radius with a recorded message. Montgomery County owns this software, but we are not sure of the cost to implement this system. Do we choose the residents to be called or is it an automatic radius call? It is a work in progress issue.
Rob stated that he recently spoke to the PTA about the new facility. With Nancy's help, he identified eleven new groups in the Up-County area who were sent letters to establish community in-put.
The next meeting for the anniversary committee is March 12. The celebration is October 19, 2002.
The County Executive recommended the Re-Use plan for MCDC in Rockville . It is planned for the first year of the six-year CIP plan.
The hiring process for MCCF is approximately 90% complete. There are 13 more positions to fill. Our goal is to be fully staffed when MCCF opens.
Vonda Henley, the Program Coordinator was not present at tonight's meeting, but Rob reported she is receiving many offers for volunteers who want to be involved in the new facility.
When will MCCF volunteer orientation take place? Because of the construction delay it is now scheduled tentatively for April. Vonda will set up for several days/times for volunteer orientations. When construction is complete and the facility is turned over to Corrections, dates will be set up for volunteers to meet for their orientation and tour on site.
Cathy inquired about the Mental Health representative who was to attend tonight's meeting. Because of Art's absence, Daryl Plevy, Chief of Mental Health will be contacted to attend next month's meeting.
Rob explained Art's recent involvement in the Mental Health Initiative. The Federal government came out with a program where there is money available for re-entry programs. All of this money was targeted towards prisons. Because local correctional systems put many more people back into the communities than prisons, Art feels that this money should include local agencies as well. He has spoke to the Justice Department, as well as other agencies nation-wide to gain support for this issue.
Rob spoke of his plan to start a group in the fall on community re-entry, bringing the faith communities together with HHS to see what one can offer the other. Our goal is to develop a group whose sole purpose is to concentrate on this issue. Energy must now be focused on getting our facility open.
Phyllis Morrongullo spoke of a new group she is organizing, Support Group for Families of Inmates/Prisoners. She is the facilitator of this group and it will meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:45 p.m. at the St. Rose of Lima Parish Center . Phyllis has written to the Wardens of jails/prisons in the area, as well as to local faith groups. She has requested that local newspapers post/print the information flyers regarding this new program.
Tom asked if the group could see the Inmate Orientation video when it is completed. Suzy stated that she is in the process of getting a video professionally made based on the Inmate Guidebook. It is done with digital video technology so that whenever there is a change or an addition to the guidebook, it can be added easily to the video. It should be completed before the facility opens and will be produced in English and Spanish. When the video is completed there will be a CBAG showing.